Hi Jamie,
(I hope I was correct in assuming that that’s your first name…the only info I received from Audioholics was your email address.)
You’re the December Audioholics Forum Contest winner of the NEW Aperion Home Audio Link (HAL) wireless adapter which streams any audio format wirelessly from a computer, iPod, MP3, music player or mobile device to a variety of audio systems! The HAL system is valued at $149. (This product has not been released yet and is expected to ship at the end of January.)
Here’s a link to the Audioholics contest for your reference -
Please contact me by Wednesday, January 13th, 2010 with the following information. If I don’t hear from you by 1/13/10 we will select an alternate winner.
1 – Name & Shipping Address
2 – Phone Number for shipping purposes
I look forward to hearing from you and congratulations!
Heidi Jeanfreau
Sr. Marketing Manager
Sweet I never win anything,and that darn monkey didn't win this one