Exactly why he is a hypocrite. Look, He is a talented director. The Abyss and T1 and T2 are some of my favorite movies. I am just getting sick of propaganda being disguised as entertainment from him or anyone else. I am not going to give these people my money anymore if they can't keep their politics out what is supposed to be a family movie.
If I want politics in a movie then I will go see that type of movie. If you think I am alone in this you are mistaken. I could post links to many forums were people feel exactly as I do and won't go see this film. Will it make money? We will see. I don't think it will be the hit they expect, and I bet the ticket sales don't hold out. 13 year old girls made titanic a hit and they won't be seeing this movie like they did that one.
I think the technology is cool though and I am a pissed that can't go to the theater and enjoy it. I would probably get up and walk out with the first sign of conservative bashing. I can't wait for someone else to use this technology; maybe "Enders Game" done like this. Now that wouldn't that be sweet?