My god you're a gear freek!

"invest in lenses, not bodies". You're one to talk!!!
What lenses do you have? How do you like the 7D & 5D so far? I've always lusted about the 5D but realistically it's much more camera than I need. In terms of price (new FF lens + body) and realistically, my photographic skills aren't quite at the level where I feel like I need the top of the line, surely it could somewhat marginally improve my pics, but I'm not at the level where I can look at my pics and be satisfied, most of the time, well for candids anyhow, I find faults and things I could have done better, and am rarely satisfied. Technique and creative thinking is more what I need to improve than body...
ANYHOW! 5D vs 7D, I've also been tempted by the 7D as an upgrade to my venerably old XT, but as Sheep put it, the not so spectacular high ISO performance, and let's face it quite significant cost (paid my XT 500$ when it was launched), really makes me want to make me wait for the next generation, but that's been a lot of generations skipped now, 20D, 30D, 5D, 40D, 50D, now 7D... And buying a body I'm not totally excited about makes little sens to me... Come on Canon, release something spectacular that I'll have no choice but to buy...