Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
How am I suppose to go back to Folger's now? Huh? :confused:
The same way that I go through the day without your posts. I just deal with the everyday mundaneness, all the while anticipating another chance to experience true literary genius.


Audioholic Slumlord
The same way that I go through the day without your posts. I just deal with the everyday mundaneness, all the while anticipating another chance to experience true literary genius.
Being patronized is not that bad. :D

Haircut time.


Audioholic General
A hot chick from the bakery next door moved in downstairs;) I am not sure she has a boyfriend but i will investagate it further.


Audioholic Samurai
Happy Birthday, Deuce. You're the best rusty trombone player around here and we're lucky to have you. Here.


Audioholic Overlord
You belong here, and you know it. Don't fight it. You could be our king.
Oh no, you wouldn't want that. I'd probably start preaching about how this thread isn't boring enough and I would declare marshal law, it wouldn't be pretty.


Audioholic Jedi
Not quite the same but close - OPB.
Ummm...ick. :eek: :D I only got about three sentences past " vaginal yeast..." before the gag reflex became too strong.

I did read part of an article this afternoon (from Arizona a couple of years ago) about women selling their breast milk online, and a lot of clients are men. I make a lot of jokes but...d**n. That's messed up.

My original comment was just thinking that we've got nursing mothers, homemade ice cream makers...and dudes. I'm guessing it's fairly common, but I've never had it. I don't think.


Audioholic Ninja
Ummm...ick. :eek: :D I only got about three sentences past " vaginal yeast..." before the gag reflex became too strong.

I did read part of an article this afternoon (from Arizona a couple of years ago) about women selling their breast milk online, and a lot of clients are men. I make a lot of jokes but...d**n. That's messed up.

My original comment was just thinking that we've got nursing mothers, homemade ice cream makers...and dudes. I'm guessing it's fairly common, but I've never had it. I don't think.
I doubt it to be honest. You need some fat content to get the right consistency*. The fat, depending on the ice cream normally comes from any mixture of milk, eggs and cream. From what I know human milk is fairly watery.

*This is referring to a home environment, artificial additives can be used to recreate a high fat experience, hence the advent of terrible low fat/no fat ice cream.


Audioholic Jedi
I doubt it to be honest. You need some fat content to get the right consistency*. The fat, depending on the ice cream normally comes from any mixture of milk, eggs and cream. From what I know human milk is fairly watery.
Well, people can always add those things to make the ice cream, right?

Plus, I didn't say making GOOD homemade breast milk ice cream was common. :) I'm just guessing that people have tried.


Audioholic Ninja
Well, people can always add those things to make the ice cream, right?

Plus, I didn't say making GOOD homemade breast milk ice cream was common. :) I'm just guessing that people have tried.
I had to Google it, seems like some people make it.


Audioholic Jedi
On a non-freakish note (I think), Niki found the remains of a javelina leg at the state park this afternoon. After she picked it up and so proudly began carrying it back to the car, I had to let her snack on it. She was just so excited about it. I even wrapped it up and brought it home for her. I still need to decide if I should put it in the refrigerator to keep it for tomorrow.
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