This has been a very interesting & thought provoking thread thank you!
Everyone has made interesting & valid points on ALL sides. Some I want to bring up.
If one chooses to drink to excess in their own home (and STAY there) & crash afterwards is free to do so. If that is their choice then they can deal with the after effects on their own as well. They are the only ones being hurt.
Now as for the sleeping around, I have seen the unintentional damage done to an unsuspecting person. I work in insurance & one of our customers had to get medical testing for his application. We had to decline because he tested postive for HIV. Now he had to tell his FIANCEE' who was to be the benficiary that he couldn't get insurance & why. Now if she has been having unprotected sex with him, there is a good chance that SHE now has HIV.
He may not have intended to get HIV when he slept around but it happened & he has now probably spread it at the very least to his fiancee' if not others.
There is a very good reason why the majority of my cd collection is greatest hits. Very few artists are capable or talented enough to put out an entire album for 18-20 bucks a pop that are worth buying.
One of the best things ever invented is listening stations in stores, I have walked away from wasting my money buying an album that I discovered that all of the songs sounded the same on.
And I don't know or care if it is illegal or not, but I usually now buy most of my cd's used in stores or from Amazon.