Well, I thought I was going to wait a while to get a subwoofer, but maybe it's best to just bite the bullet and do it now!
Currently, on the way I have a pair of the EMP impression tower speakers, center channel, and bookshelves. From the review, the towers work well down to 50 Hz with even useable content to 40. This system is going to be set up in a 20x13 living room, that has an opening to a 12x11 dining room and then flows into the 10x10 kitchen. So, with all that in mind, what is going to be my best bet for a sub?
I was thinking something along the lines of 12", with frequency output range just below 20Hz. It'll be on hardwood, so probably front firing is the way to go? From what I've researched, it seems SVS and HSU Research are both quality companies. Should I stick with something from them or keep looking?
Also, with anyones previous knowledge, do the companies tend to have specials around Christmas? Thanks!