Is morality relative?



Senior Audioholic
I've been reading a few threads and normally I'm not a steam vent kind of guy but I felt like chiming in with a word or two...:) I'm sure you know what threads I'm talking about.

I would consider myself moral in the sense that I don't do drugs, drink beer, spend money on hookers, strippers, etc. I don't view porn or watch R rated movies because I believe that my life is better without those things in it. I have done some of those things in the past but compared to my life previously and my life today, I am happier without that stuff.

In the bible there is a scripture Matthew 7:5

"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye."

The scripture is really meant for one special x-member of audioholics but it applies to all of us.

Just because I live like I do does not make me a closed minded individual that hasn't seen or experienced life. I have friends/family that are drug addicts, homosexuals, etc. and that is something they have chosen to do in their lives and I still love them as much as my family/friends that don't do those things.

Seems a lot of judgement is going towards people with "moral" lives and not everyone that lives a moral life has a "mightier than thou" attitude.

Lets keep the thread real so this one doesn't get closed.


I don't cast judgement on others but I never expect the same in return. I smoke, I drink, I do things I probably shouldn't do but overall I think I'm a lot more approachable and nicer than most of the people I've encountered in my life.

The things we do shouldn't catagorize us.


Audioholic Overlord
This isn't the time to bring it up IMO. I don't want to step on toes. But a lot of people got upset and I'd rather let them cool off before we discuss it further.



Audioholic Spartan
I've been reading a few threads and normally I'm not a steam vent kind of guy but I felt like chiming in with a word or two...:) I'm sure you know what threads I'm talking about.

I would consider myself moral in the sense that I don't do drugs, drink beer, spend money on hookers, strippers, etc. I don't view porn or watch R rated movies because I believe that my life is better without those things in it. I have done some of those things in the past but compared to my life previously and my life today, I am happier without that stuff.

In the bible there is a scripture Matthew 7:5

"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye."

The scripture is really meant for one special x-member of audioholics but it applies to all of us.

Just because I live like I do does not make me a closed minded individual that hasn't seen or experienced life. I have friends/family that are drug addicts, homosexuals, etc. and that is something they have chosen to do in their lives and I still love them as much as my family/friends that don't do those things.

Seems a lot of judgement is going towards people with "moral" lives and not everyone that lives a moral life has a "mightier than thou" attitude.

Lets keep the thread real so this one doesn't get closed.
What you have posted here is perfectly fine. You presented how you live and did not put down anyone else who has a different lifestyle. The threads you are referring to had posts from someone who was very intolerant of anyone else's view. He made statements along the lines of him being better than anyone who didn't lead the same lifestyle. That anyone who drank was a dirt bag or slime ball. He was a "mightier than thou" kind of guy. Hopefully he has learned that being "moral" also means treating people with respect. He did not, and was treated in kind. You however seem very respectful and deserve to be treated as such.


Audioholic Overlord
He was a "mightier than thou" kind of guy.
No I'm pretty sure he was a troll just trying to get a rise out of people. A preacher type wouldn't target an audio forum of all places. IOTW stop feeding the trolls. He's probably getting off by reading this thread.


Full Audioholic
I think much of what is defined as morality is tied to culture and what society considers moral. Seems those different views sometimes even lead to wars. Those things change over time although some things seem to be fairly straight forward-i.e. murder; infanticide; etc. It is all very interesting to say the least. Certainly religion plays a part but so do (local and national)governments, politicians, etc. etc.


Full Audioholic
I've been reading a few threads and normally I'm not a steam vent kind of guy but I felt like chiming in with a word or two...:) I'm sure you know what threads I'm talking about.

I would consider myself moral in the sense that I don't do drugs, drink beer, spend money on hookers, strippers, etc. I don't view porn or watch R rated movies because I believe that my life is better without those things in it. I have done some of those things in the past but compared to my life previously and my life today, I am happier without that stuff.

In the bible there is a scripture Matthew 7:5

"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye."

The scripture is really meant for one special x-member of audioholics but it applies to all of us.

Just because I live like I do does not make me a closed minded individual that hasn't seen or experienced life. I have friends/family that are drug addicts, homosexuals, etc. and that is something they have chosen to do in their lives and I still love them as much as my family/friends that don't do those things.

Seems a lot of judgement is going towards people with "moral" lives and not everyone that lives a moral life has a "mightier than thou" attitude.

Lets keep the thread real so this one doesn't get closed.
Your second of last sentence is very interesting. It seems to me to suggest that you think those that don't live in a similar fashion to you are not moral, or maybe less moral. That does come across as "holier than thou" to me, but maybe I am not catching exactly what you mean.

Do you think you are more moral than someone who drinks and watches porn, or whatever? If so, why?


What's so wrong with judging people? Isn't your judgement based on your thoughts and opinion of things? I'm certain you (and I mean "You" as in anyone, not you specifically) don't go around harboring opinions that you believe to be wrong. Of course you don't. You have and hold the opinons you do because to the best of your ability or at least to your satisfaction, have given whatever issue some thought and have formed what you think is a correct assessment. If someone were to say to me, "you think you're always right!" My response would be, "Yeah I do." Why would I have an opinion that I believe to be wrong? That makes no sense. Now I will add this caveat, however, I'm always open to be proven wrong and in fact, welcome it, because I brings to light holes or inaccuaracies in my thought process. I'm not saying that I'll just roll over, nor am I saying that it's your job to convince me, but if it comes down to serious differences, let's really tdig. Maybe I'll end up seeing in your way, maybe not. Perhpas the differences are solely philosphical and that's okay too. But I don't buy into this theory that we're all equal. I know people who live their lives much better than me and who I believe are better than me for it. I'm not afraid to admit that.


Full Audioholic
But....many people make snap judgements not out of logic but either emotionally or because it fits their ideology (which may in itself be illogical). I always find it interesting to note how many times I (and I don't think I am that unique) make judgements based on a persons looks mannerisms etc. One sterling example is the guy (can't remember the actors name) in Deadwood and he was also the one with the marching toys etc. in Blade Runner. You would think he was a little dull from his speech patterns. Look up his bio-it is quite interesting.


Senior Audioholic
Do you think you are more moral than someone who drinks and watches porn, or whatever? If so, why?
I googled morality so here is a definition:

concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good conduct

Following my own beliefs, yes, I believe I am more moral than those that participate in such activities. That does, however, not make those that participate in said activities bad people.

The title of my thread is "Is morality relative?" I have my definition of what I believe is moral, it may or may not be the same as yours.

What is morality to you?

Regardless of how it is defined, my "morality" does not make me a greater person than the next and that is the purpose of my original post to begin with.

Perhaps morality is ones own code of conduct?


Regardless of how it is defined, my "morality" does not make me a greater person than the next and that is the purpose of my original post to begin with.

Perhaps morality is ones own code of conduct?
Well put.........Perhaps it is:D


Men are more moral than they think and far more immoral than they can imagine.

-Sigmund Freud


Audioholic Ninja
I have friends/family that are drug addicts, homosexuals, etc. and that is something they have chosen to do in their lives and I still love them as much as my family/friends that don't do those things.
Just a side note, biology has made a strong case that homosexuality is not a choice.

In any case, wasn't it Jesus Christ himself who said those without sin cast the first stone?


Audioholic General
Okay let's talk Audio and HT

I've been reading a few threads and normally I'm not a steam vent kind of guy but I felt like chiming in with a word or two...:) I'm sure you know what threads I'm talking about.

I would consider myself moral in the sense that I don't do drugs, drink beer, spend money on hookers, strippers, etc. I don't view porn or watch R rated movies because I believe that my life is better without those things in it. I have done some of those things in the past but compared to my life previously and my life today, I am happier without that stuff.

In the bible there is a scripture Matthew 7:5

"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye."

The scripture is really meant for one special x-member of audioholics but it applies to all of us.

Just because I live like I do does not make me a closed minded individual that hasn't seen or experienced life. I have friends/family that are drug addicts, homosexuals, etc. and that is something they have chosen to do in their lives and I still love them as much as my family/friends that don't do those things.

Seems a lot of judgement is going towards people with "moral" lives and not everyone that lives a moral life has a "mightier than thou" attitude.

Lets keep the thread real so this one doesn't get closed.

Hi! You have stated your stance on morality and that is fine and I respect it. Now let's discuss audio and HT ;)

Peace and GO Audio and HT,

Forest Man


Audioholic Chief
Dollar dance anyone?

As to your original question, for me, morality is relative (I guess) and here is my overly simplified reasoning.

If morality is not relative then it must be absolute, and when I say that it’s absolute, I mean that there are only moral actions or immoral actions for any given situation. In other words, the world is simply black and white with no gray in between.

Now let’s walk through a mental exercise to examine this absolutist point of view. The premise to be examined is that lying is absolutely immoral. (This is a generally held view of many in society.)

You have Ann Frank and her family up in the attic and a Nazi knocks on your door to ask if you are hiding any Jews.

The absolutist response to such a situation would be not to lie; knowing full that such an action would send Ann and her family to the furnace.

A relativist on the other hand would lie to the Nazi, because the act of lying has now become a moral and just action because it results in saving Ann and her family’s lives.

This is just my simplified view, in actuality morality lies somewhere in between absolutism and relativism for me.


Audioholic Overlord
Morality is extremely relative.

After all, ignoring the traditional definition (no sex,drugs, booze, etc...) look at how many are claiming to have the high moral ground by trashing that egomaniacal fool who went a bit over the top in stating his beliefs.

No,we each define our own morality and even if we don't state it out loud, we feel superior to others who don't share our beliefs. But,when many people share the same basic beliefs, mob rule can take control.


Audioholic Overlord
As to your original question, for me, morality is relative (I guess) and here is my overly simplified reasoning.

If morality is not relative then it must be absolute, and when I say that it’s absolute, I mean that there are only moral actions or immoral actions for any given situation. In other words, the world is simply black and white with no gray in between.

Now let’s walk through a mental exercise to examine this absolutist point of view. The premise to be examined is that lying is absolutely immoral. (This is a generally held view of many in society.)

You have Ann Frank and her family up in the attic and a Nazi knocks on your door to ask if you are hiding any Jews.

The absolutist response to such a situation would be not to lie; knowing full that such an action would send Ann and her family to the furnace.

A relativist on the other hand would lie to the Nazi, because the act of lying has now become a moral and just action because it results in saving Ann and her family’s lives.

This is just my simplified view, in actuality morality lies somewhere in between absolutism and relativism for me.
Morality is part absolute and part relative. Certain stuff is just plain wrong. Some stuff is up to the individual.

Some people think it's wrong to drink alcohol, but others don't that's relative. Burning down an entire village just for revenge is wrong.


Audioholic Spartan
It's all relative. Even the al-Qaeda believed that they were morally right on 9/11/01.


Just a side note, biology has made a strong case that homosexuality is not a choice.

In any case, wasn't it Jesus Christ himself who said those without sin cast the first stone?
Thanks, you saved me a whole lot of work...

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