The morality of strippers

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I just want to thank you again for setting these animals straight. Keep it coming buddy. I'm becoming a better person just by reading your posts.
Seriously I give him reds and you thank him? Come on Chops this guy needs to GO NOW........I am PO"d


Audioholic General
BTW Shintsu, a single mother can be one because her husband cheated on her, died on her or divorced her and left her with a child. She could still be very moral but strips to support a child in this poor economy. Think about it.


So you think you people can tell me I don't know morals? Well what you think is morals is not ****ing morals (at least not good ones). I can and WILL tell you what I think is moral and what's not, because I am ****ing better than you. It might be impossible for you idiots to think, but I am not lying about not doing any of the **** I said. ****ing moralless shits...

...**** single mothers. They're that way because they're such ****ing whores they screwed their boyfriend...

...why don't you live in a ****ing Project and support gangs too. Yeah, gangs - I'm sure they're great for society too. Killing people for stupid *** reasons...

...targeting me for disagreeing with their ****ed up morals...

...Except a lot of you are much older, now that's ****ing pathetic. GROW UP.
Ephesians 4:29 tells us, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

Let's all be hypocrites together.


I cannot even go on here anymore. I seriously want to delete my account if people like this are allowed here and some others whom I will not say just messed with mods and got banned.This idiot needs to go.


Audioholic General
I also work in a CathLab helping save lives, now think about that, I drank and partied to help pay for my education, slept with more women than I can count (most who are still good friends) and decades ago did drugs. Now I save lives (I could in essense save your life or the life of a loved one.) Oh and most hospital staff have done far worse, so next time you need emergency help with a medical condition, think about that.


Audioholic Slumlord
Who do you think you are
Well he certainly has mastered punctuation, Jamie. :D

I'm kinda diggin' this guy. I was kinda hoping he would stick around.

There is a certain edgy quality to his posts that I enjoy ... and you're not going anywhere.

Have another hit and enjoy the show.


Well he certainly has mastered punctuation, Jamie. :D

I'm kinda diggin' this guy. I was kinda hoping he would stick around.

There is a certain edgy quality to his posts that I enjoy ... and you're not going anywhere.

Have another hit and enjoy the show.
I will go away.I love this site but when people like this can not get banned and other folks whom WE like can ........I will go away for sure bro.Hate to do it but I wrote it and will stick to it.I even wrote the big man himself....


Audioholic Ninja
I don't even know what to say about Shintsu's post. This guy doesn't have a't get an erection, it might burst the bubble you live in.


I don't even know what to say about Shintsu's post. This guy doesn't have a't get an erection, it might burst the bubble you live in.
I do. Ban him from here PERIOD. Others have been banned for much less than this guy just posted. ENOUGH


Audioholic Ninja
I do. Ban him from here PERIOD. Others have been banned for much less than this guy just posted. ENOUGH
I agree with you there. This guy is a major tool. I thought it was obvious so I didn't bother posting that before.


Audioholic Ninja
So you think you people can tell me I don't know morals? Well what you think is morals is not ****ing morals (at least not good ones). I can and WILL tell you what I think is moral and what's not, because I am ****ing better than you. It might be impossible for you idiots to think, but I am not lying about not doing any of the **** I said. ****ing moralless shits.

**** single mothers. They're that way because they're such ****ing whores they screwed their boyfriend (huh, pre-marital sex pays off SO well doesn't it) and got pregnant. They're both trash, but I have no sympathy for women who can't keep their legs closed. Because they're trash, they talk about their sex life out loud so I know how slutty they are. They screw guys while they're drunk and then they don't know who got them pregnant. This wasn't a problem when people weren't so low class, but not anymore.

So here, I'll compile your list of not-amoral activities:
-Being a hooker
-Getting drunk (commonly leading to driving too, because drunk people are too ****ing stupid to not drive drunk once they already are)
-Doing illegal drugs (yeah, breaking the law AND starting an ignorant addictive habbit)

If you think so, why don't you live in a ****ing Project and support gangs too. Yeah, gangs - I'm sure they're great for society too. Killing people for stupid *** reasons, hating the cops, yeah all real intelligent activities.

Nah, I'm done. Maybe you'll be happier for it, but I'll be much happier to be away from you morons. Let me clarify that I'm only referencing to those who're specifically targeting me for disagreeing with their ****ed up morals. Thanks to anyone who was actually helpful to me in my threads. I deal with no class shitheads with no brains all day at my university, I partake no desire to spend my free time with more of the same. Except a lot of you are much older, now that's ****ing pathetic. GROW UP.
This post needed quoting one more time. :p

Cmon Shint... I think what you fail to realize is the soapbox you're on. I commend you for your efforts on living what you feel is a wholesome life but you are seriously stepping on some toes here. There is absolutely no way that you can look down at someone without walking a mile in their shoes. I do think its a shame that some people get caught in the lifestyle they do sometimes, but its not always their fault. Circumstances are funny, man. First off, I don't think you can lump stripping, drinking, drugging, ganging and banging all in one category. When I drink, I certainly don't do it with the intention of hurting anybody or destroying a life. I always take a cab and drink enough so that I can't get it up. The only thing hurting is my bank account and my ego at times. I can honestly say that myself and my group of buddies are some of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Any one of us would give the clothes off our back to a complete stranger. Thats more than I can say for a lot of back row baptists I've had the pleasure of meeting. I've met and gotten to know so many great people at the bar, and have supported the local economy very generously. Hey, you might not approve but to discount my purpose as a man is very offensive. I suppose there could be a lot of reasons you feel the way you do and perhaps you'd like to share them. The way we all see it now is a sheltered little smart a$$ that just learned to spell the "f" word is coming at a bunch of guys with more experience in life than you. You mentioned escaping reality... you know what?, some of us wanna escape layoffs, broken homes, divorce, tragedy, resonant cabinets, and over priced speaker cables and we all take our path and pace to do it. On the other hand, sometimes we just want to enjoy something that isn't the everyday grind. It might not always be the best, most "moral" way to do it but the need still needs satisfying. There's going to come a day when you test your own moral limits just to grow up a bit and there's nothing wrong with that. It can be a slippery slope, but for some, that needs to be experienced. I only know a handful of guys here beyond cyberspace and have gotten to know SEVERAL ones here pretty well and all in all its a solid group of guys. I'd actually challenge you to find another online community this strong in numbers with better people than you're likely to meet here. You seriously have no reason to attack us, our opinions, and our situations in the manner that you have.


Audioholic Ninja
Do we think he's still here?

4 pages in 2 hours? That's gotta be a record of some sort.


This post needed quoting one more time. :p

Cmon Shint... I think what you fail to realize is the soapbox you're on. I commend you for your efforts on living what you feel is a wholesome life but you are seriously stepping on some toes here. There is absolutely no way that you can look down at someone without walking a mile in their shoes. I do think its a shame that some people get caught in the lifestyle they do sometimes, but its not always their fault. Circumstances are funny, man. First off, I don't think you can lump stripping, drinking, drugging, ganging and banging all in one category. When I drink, I certainly don't do it with the intention of hurting anybody or destroying a life. I always take a cab and drink enough so that I can't get it up. The only thing hurting is my bank account and my ego at times. I can honestly say that myself and my group of buddies are some of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Any one of us would give the clothes off our back to a complete stranger. Thats more than I can say for a lot of back row baptists I've had the pleasure of meeting. I've met and gotten to know so many great people at the bar, and have supported the local economy very generously. Hey, you might not approve but to discount my purpose as a man is very offensive. I suppose there could be a lot of reasons you feel the way you do and perhaps you'd like to share them. The way we all see it now is a sheltered little smart a$$ that just learned to spell the "f" word is coming at a bunch of guys with more experience in life than you. You mentioned escaping reality... you know what?, some of us wanna escape layoffs, broken homes, divorce, tragedy, resonant cabinets, and over priced speaker cables and we all take our path and pace to do it. On the other hand, sometimes we just want to enjoy something that isn't the everyday grind. It might not always be the best, most "moral" way to do it but the need still needs satisfying. There's going to come a day when you test your own moral limits just to grow up a bit and there's nothing wrong with that. It can be a slippery slope, but for some, that needs to be experienced. I only know a handful of guys here beyond cyberspace and have gotten to know SEVERAL ones here pretty well and all in all its a solid group of guys. I'd actually challenge you to find another online community this strong in numbers with better people than you're likely to meet here. You seriously have no reason to attack us, our opinions, and our situations in the manner that you have.

Well put Adam,I totally agree with you.I want this guy banned.PERIOD.He is NEVER going to get along with MOST of us here and IMO his time is up here.....seriously mods get on it already.....


If he is still here he has not responded to my pm I sent him.:eek::rolleyes:


I wouldn't mind moving up a spot on the rep and post list.... :p:D
It sucks but I said it,so it will be done if said person is still here tomorrow.Looks like you may be moving up the ladder.


Audioholic Warlord
I usually don't step into the Steam Vent debating society, but you got to admit, there is nothing funnier than a self-righteous 19 year old.

He's probably pissed off because his hero and role model, Tiger Woods, has let him down.

I only hope he followed Alex's Happy Thanksgiving link.


Audioholic Ninja
It sucks but I said it,so it will be done if said person is still here tomorrow.Looks like you may be moving up the ladder.
Cmon, dude..... if you leave, I'll likely turn to a life of cheap drugs and hookers.... You don't need to go anywhere. You've proven yourself over and over and have garnished a lot of respect here. You're one of the good guys and don't need to let this guy get to ya.


Audioholic Ninja
That post came from a 19 year a joke.
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