They are a high quality headphone. But when I look what else I could buy for 4 grand, a headphone would not make that list. They are geared to a select niche group. Some of the Amazon reviews of the R10, errrr satire is quite funny.
"You see, these are magic headphones. When placed over your ears, they will instantly whisk you away to Happyland, where the streets are paved with gold, money falls from the sky, and sugar-plum fairies grant your every wish.
These mystical headphones also enable you to run faster than a speeding bullet, and leap tall buildings in a single bound.
All this for just under $4,000. What are you waiting for !!!!! "
"'tis true: these phones cured my sister of dysentery and cleansed my loins of pesky arachnids "
"All my life I'm been unattractive to women. I've tried everything in an effort to get the chicks. However, dressing like Harry Potter, buying a wicked Ford Focus, getting a job as a computer programmer, and learning to play the harp all failed to deliver on their promise of converting me into a babe magnet.
Nothing worked until I bought these headphones. Now the lovely ladies are swarming to me. They are worth every penny."