Uh huh.
What time was this on? 9:40 at night? If you've got young children up after 9pm watching television unsupervised then I guarantee you've got bigger problems than someone gyrating his hips in someones face on the AMAs. Maybe if you're lucky instead of watching the AMAs they were tuned into Law & Order SVU where they can see numerous people get shot/stabbed and they talk about child molestation all the time.
And I still don't see how simulating oral sex = expressing a view.
Well now lets see first off my child is off at college so no I don't have bigger problems than you. My child was not allowed to watch television after nine o'clock until the summer of eighth grade just my rules as a single parent what other children do at night is uncontrollable by myself but what idiots like Adam do during prime time can be controlled by me and millions of other unhappy viewers simply by voicing our displeasure and from what I have been reading there sure is alot of unhappy people over this and it will hurt him in the long run and for that I am pleased.
Lets get back to your un-supervised comment ok so a family decides they will watch it together , supervised as you put it, great your sitting there with your kids and this idiot decides he is going to give his viewers the shock of a lifetime and jamb his pecker into another guys face and gyrate as you put it I'll call it face humping like it was, now your son whom which just watched this great show of artistry turns and looks at you, "Daddy why is Adam pushing his pee pee in that other boys face ? Huh em cough he's a dancing son

"No Daddy I mean when he stopped dancing he made that boy smell his pee pee" Oh well you see son that's what two boys do when they like each other, alot.

No sooner did you get done telling your young son this when his sister looks over at you and says "But why Daddy'? Is this what you would call supervision, at least with the nc-17 rating a parent could make a reasonable decision as to whether or not they want to let their kids watch, as they would have been fore warned ahead of time.
I think you are forgetting that Adam was on American Idol and that millions of young kids watch that show as if their very existence depended on it, so these kids want to see their favorite performers when ever possible so this music awards gave them the chance to see Adam for free , no concerts , no pay-per-view, free, after watching him on American Idol I am sure no one ever expected him to be the complete idiot he was on AMA as he could of never gotten away with the BS on AI, they would have had him off the show in a heartbeat, being gay is one thing , his choice and thats that, but to act like a complete P.O.S. on national TV in front of all the young fans that voted you to the level of popularity he was at is despicable, I have read that the rating could not even be placed on his performance as he deviated from the act anyhow, trashy and disgusting, his singing is not so great either.