Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Samurai
I'm going down to my theater to see if I can shake the house down with some Casino Royale. I frickin love the opening scene to that movie.


Audioholic Samurai
Do tell. (dang character limit)
It's nothing revolutionary, just different for me. In the past, I've tried to lose weight by just exercising (lifting/cardio). That works ok for about 3 weeks, then I lose focus. You know who likes to lift? Weightlifters. That's it.

I've found that if I am training for something specific (my cyclocross races, for example), I've found it's much easier to continue on. I'm not losing weight because I am trying to lose weight, it's a by-product of me training for something. I think if you're goal is to lose weight, that is just unsustainable. That's why so many people fail. Who the hell works out just to lose weight? And more importantly, how long does that last?

A healthy body is the byproduct of a healthy lifestyle. The body shouldn't be the goal, because I think that your body changes too slowly to make that a feasible goal and you need a goal that will create a lasting change.

My wife and I are trying to create a more healthy lifestyle, which I have embraced via cycling, her via running.

I'm also being a bit more conscious of what I eat. I try and think about trimming 100-200 calories per meal off. That is pretty insubstantial, really. I have to think about how hard it is to burn 100-200 calories, and how much easier it is to just not intake the calories in the first place. Baby steps, really. That is another thing, I'm just trying to lose around a pound a week. Too radical of a change is too much to maintain.

I think that America is addicted to quick weight loss (pills, crazy exercise plans, low-carb diets, etc.) We, as a country, can't wrap our minds around living in a healthy manner. You have to create something that is long-term and easy to embrace. Taking up a sport is fun, sustainable, and will ultimately get you around people that enjoy being healthy. There is lots of material out there regarding sport psychology and sticking to an exercise plan (can't think of the appropriate term). Social support is something that is frequently regarded as contributing to active lifestyle positive changes. Another thing is just having fun. If you do something you enjoy, and it burns calories, it's much more likely that you'll stick to that versus plodding along on a treadmill for 45 minutes 4x a week. That blows.

That's a lot of random thoughts, but maybe you can find some truth in that and find some use of it. :)
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Audioholic Field Marshall
I got my Dire Straits SACD yesterday, but apparently I have to dig out the old Denon DVD-1920 to see if it will play it, because there was a tiny subtitle under SACD for my truck that says "CD layer only." Bastards.


Audioholic Slumlord
I have to dig out the old Denon DVD-1920 to see if it will play it ...
It will but you need to set it to Multi Channel, set your speakers to small and use your 5.1 preouts. I'm not sure how familiar you are with that but the sub-out on the 1920 is the weak link so you need to crank the gain on that and match everything else to that. Having said all that I find I like to set the player to SACD Stereo Mode with the SACD SET UP button on the remote and listen to it like that.

Since I don't have a quick way to go back and forth between SACD and CD layers I can't even say that I prefer one over the other. I do know that with other music I prefer multi channel but I forgot that until just now. There are just too many options.

I'm gonna listen to some scratchy vinyl. :p


Audioholic Jedi
I got my Dire Straits SACD yesterday, but apparently I have to dig out the old Denon DVD-1920 to see if it will play it, because there was a tiny subtitle under SACD for my truck that says "CD layer only." Bastards.
First, that is just so wrong! That's like have a DVD-Audio player that will play the "DVD-Video layer only." I agree - bastards!

Sounds like you need an Oppo BDP-83. :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
It will but you need to set it to Multi Channel, set your speakers to small and use your 5.1 preouts. I'm not sure how familiar you are with that but the sub-out on the 1920 is the weak link so you need to crank the gain on that and match everything else to that. Having said all that I find I like to set the player to SACD Stereo Mode with the SACD SET UP button on the remote and listen to it like that.

Since I don't have a quick way to go back and forth between SACD and CD layers I can't even say that I prefer one over the other. I do know that with other music I prefer multi channel but I forgot that until just now. There are just too many options.

I'm gonna listen to some scratchy vinyl. :p
Cool, thanks man. I would rep you but I am kind of trigger-happy on the "thanks" button so...thanks :)!

I am supposed to have the draft to my adviser by Friday or Monday, so once I am just waiting for him to look it over I might have some time to play with it. If not I can always play with it when this is all over the second week of December.

I know I can increase the gain on the multichannel sub input in the 4310, so I will have to get the SPL meter out and get it all tuned up with the 1920 settings. I knew I kept those 3 pairs of monoprice analog stereo connectors around for something. :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
First, that is just so wrong! That's like have a DVD-Audio player that will play the "DVD-Video layer only." I agree - bastards!

Sounds like you need an Oppo BDP-83. :D
Yeah that was highly audacious of them. Someone needs slapped.

That's the plan, shortly down the road. I would really like to play my two DVD-As and one SACD through HDMI, plus the 1920 has to stay with the house when we move for my sister to play her crappy movies. :)

I really hope they drop the price by 100 bucks by that time though. I think it is about time - the Panasonics like the replacement to mine are under $200 now, and mine was $350...
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Audioholic Samurai
Back form the dentist and in good working order.
:D <- Do you see my pearly whites?!



Audioholic Samurai
that was a good nap. Now it's time to workout. Except I need to browse the interwebs first.
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