"That's not the question. The question is "how do you get them to care""
That's an unteresting question, in light of how politicians campaign. They talk about "being there" for us and doing things that will benefit their district, state, county, nation, etc but the people who vote for them go for it hook, line and sinker. I'd like to see how many people vote based on the issues vs party affiliation/"He's one of us", etc.
"You want a real answer? Revolution. Replace congress with a much smaller body. Have congress hire and fire (think bord of directors) agency heads who make real policy / spending. Make terms 3 years and don't allow consecutive terms (also, make taking money from private interests while in office, and campaigning while in office, treason)."
I like this but the "no consecutive terms" part may be a problem. Or not. As it is now, it takes a certain amount of time to learn how the existing system works and if they want to get things done, it may take the better part of one term to gain enough support from other members of Congress to do anything meaningful. The "Or not" part applies to another question- "So we really want them to learn how it works the way it is?". I think the way it is now needs to end. The part you wrote parenthetically is something I have thought for a long time. If they're out campaigning for a different position, they can't possible give much effort to the one they were elected to, so they shouldn't be paid, at the very least. At most, they should be replaced. If this is done in the private sector, it wouldn't be tolerated by any employer I know. It would mean Obama wouldn't have finished his term in the Senate, either. He was barely there for two years when he began his campaign.