I have worked in a variety of hospitals for over 20 years in both Tucson and Phoenix and can tell you that ER visits in AZ are the worst. Because we have a insanely huge illegal immigrant population, the illegals will come to the ED for the friggin sniffles. I'm not shytting you either. Every illegal mother brings in every kid for the sniffles.
Last week we had an illegal mother bring in all six of her kids because one of them had the sniffles, she threw a fit saying that it was the H1N1 virus and demanded vaccination for all her kids. Now not even the staff at the hospital has recieved this shot yet (it's back ordered) but this mother who can't speak a word of english and has no insurance and probably not even a job, is demanding all this free hard to get medication, because her kid went "sniff"
Healthcare in America is outrageous and I blame the illegals, unisnured and those who know how to manipulate the system with why we have 10 hour waits in line and what friggin amazes me (cause I see this daily) is how many people who don't even plan on paying a dime are so rude to nurses and doctors (cause they had to wait or worse the doctor didn't just give them the medication free and wrote them a prescription knowing they will have to pay).
I wish registry would demand either a government form of ID or paycheck stub to be allowed to be seen by a doctor and a sign should be posted on every room, if doctor determines your ER visit was not needed the cost of this bill will be garnished from your paycheck without insurance approval and if it is determined you have no valid government ID, Immigration will be called and waiting for you upon discharge. (This sign will be in both English and Spanish)
Another key to cutting costs is automatically charging a 50.00 visit the moment you walk in to ED. I have to pay a 20.00 fee to see my doctor on every visit, if my emergency requires a visit to the ER then I should be charged 50.00. If the doctor detremines that it is a true emergency then my "fee" will be immediatly refunded, if the doctor determines it's not, then they keep the 50.00
I guarantee that if that mother had to pay 50.00 for each of her six kids, she would've gone to the pharmacy bought a bottle of robitussen and told the kids to swallow and that would be the end of that and a true emergency could've been seen alot quicker.
We had one guy who swallowed a crapload of pills right in the ER parking lot, I mean why? If your gonna kill yourself go out in the desert where nobody will see you, don't pull this, drama induced I'm gonna fake kill myself and be saved at the ER crap. Personally I would've let the F'er drop in the parking lot, I mean one less idiot taking up valuable oxygen in my eyes.
Now I know some of you are gonna say, Matt you work in a hospital and have no compassion, but I do. For true emergencies, you cut off your arm and are bleeding in the ER waiting room, I'll take off my shirt and use it to help stop the blood, but if you get a paper cut and yell and scream to see a doctor, I hope they douse it in lemon juice to clean out the cut and kick you out the door with a hefty bill (and 50.00 less out of your pockert).
I see stupidity on a daily basis. We had two drug overdose deaths in two days. One was a 32 year old Meth addict with a heart condition (great job there Einstein, one less douche in my book) and the other was a 21 year old who OD'ed on Heroine. Hope you enjoyed that last "high" cause 21 is far too young to throw it all away.
I have seen people who walk in after being shot, not complaining as much as people with a headache or splinter in their foot. This world just friggin amazes me.
Sorry so synical but after 20 years you tend to not feel sorry for all the morons of the world costing me and you in time and money.