Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Samurai
Dear diary,
1st day of quitting smoking, again.
Began the day by yelling at the dogs for barking. Deep down, as they are smart dogs, I think they understood.
After that I kicked the lawnmower several times to help it start. It's incredible how machines understand as well.
I then commenced to attacking some guy on who apparently thinks that all people are stupid. Aside from him of course. I firmly believe that he should have stayed in the bright and sunny world of the AV123 thread rather than venture out into the depressing although real;) world of the steam vent, but who am I to judge. I disagreed with his opinion that he isn't stupid. Did he understand? Christ I don't care, But I really think he did.
After this I will no doubt find another imperfection in my small but rather pleasant world and find a way to get pissed off about it.

Thus far, no one has died in my attempt to make through the day.
Should this trend continue; I'll be marking this as just another successful chapter in my life.

Wish me luck diary,


Audioholic Field Marshall
Everyone will think this is boring, except Adam, who will think it is quite intriguing, and I don't know about this forest guy - I have always imagined a forest man would be like harry from Harry and the Hendersons, but I think he has hinted that he knows stuff... ;)

Anyway, for what it is worth, here are some lower heating values:

Pure H2: -51567 Btu/lbm
50% H2/50% CO: -7154 Btu/lbm
CH4: -21506 Btu/lbm

Sorry about the archaic units - that is what I wrote my calculations in because I was coerced to do so...

Fascinating, though, huh? :D


Audioholic Spartan
Hey there Nomo,

If it helps I enjoyed your post enough to read it to my wife.:)

You should start a support thread. It will help you to vent there and we can help you along. I'm pretty sure it helped Alex. (as if anything can help Alex...;):D)

Good luck. I hope you are successful!:)



Audioholic Spartan
Everyone will think this is boring, except Adam, who will think it is quite intriguing, and I don't know about this forest guy - I have always imagined a forest man would be like harry from Harry and the Hendersons, but I think he has hinted that he knows stuff... ;)

Anyway, for what it is worth, here are some lower heating values:

Pure H2: -51567 Btu/lbm
50% H2/50% CO: -7154 Btu/lbm
CH4: -21506 Btu/lbm

Sorry about the archaic units - that is what I wrote my calculations in because I was coerced to do so...

Fascinating, though, huh? :D
Now I can sleep at night.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Strube, what do those numbers mean?
They're values for how much energy will be released from one pound-mass of fuel upon combustion at a reference state, basically. There are some weird assumptions about the phase of the H2O combustion product that never really made sense to me. All I know is that the bigger the number, ignoring the negative sign, the better. Go hydrogen... :D


Audioholic Overlord
I was using a saw today and I end up getting cut by the box on a dvd boxed set. My conclusion
Paper is very dangerous.


Audioholic Jedi
Effing Papa Johns. I called to order pizza, was put on hold, then hung up five minutes later. I waited about ten minutes, called back, and they've hung up on me about eight times. I'd just say screw them, but I'm calling to redeem a credit because they messed up my last order. Yeah, I don't think that I'll be in a hurry to order from them again.


Audioholic Overlord
Effing Papa Johns. I called to order pizza, was put on hold, then hung up five minutes later. I waited about ten minutes, called back, and they've hung up on me about eight times. I'd just say screw them, but I'm calling to redeem a credit because they messed up my last order. Yeah, I don't think that I'll be in a hurry to order from them again.
Make sure you get thin crust and use the seasoning packets. That is the only pizza close to being a real one they make.


Audioholic Jedi
Make sure you get thin crust and use the seasoning packets. That is the only pizza close to being a real one they make.
Thanks. I like the thin crust, but I normally go for the original crust because you get more food for the money.


Audioholic Jedi
I feel like unleashing a b***h slap of biblical proportions on the Papa John's phone dude right now.


Audioholic Jedi
A very nice girl, who clearly is in training, finally answered the phone. All seems well, except that they are charging me for delivery (which should be on the house). Oh, well. Dude ain't going to get as big of a tip.


Audioholic Samurai
I'm alive still.

I raced my first cyclocross race today and didn't DFL. Plus it looks like I might just win at FF as well. Pretty solid day, all in all.


Audioholic General
I feel like unleashing a b***h slap of biblical proportions on the Papa John's phone dude right now.
Adam -- You forgot to tell him you are an "Audioholic Overlord" ... he would have quickly come around to your way of thinking ;)


The Man of the Forest
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