Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Spartan
Today is my last day in OK. Tomorrow morning it's off to Knoxville. Then NJ with a stop in Va. Then RI with a stop in NY. It's kind of like being Jamie without the sex, drugs and rock&roll.
You're going to be in NJ.....I'll have to get some signs ready.
How many p's in 'No Trespassing'?:D

See you on Friday!


Audioholic General
What is the temperature in Estes Park?

Trying to decide what to wear :confused:


Audioholic Field Marshall
I thought Doug had been a samurai for a while...? is it at 2500? Why am I one?
I don't understand.. my brain is fried.
Jeebus. Good call. For some reason I thought there was something at 2500 so I assumed he had changed. I am out of it. It feels like every day since my final sick day last week has been a Monday. :rolleyes:

Thanks for making me look like an idiot. I suppose it is payback for me doing similar to Alex a while back. Shoot me in the face. :eek:

...and I officially hang my head and retract my congrats to Doug, as I am sure I gave him congrats when he actually turned Samurai...


Audioholic Spartan
Jeebus. Good call. For some reason I thought there was something at 2500 so I assumed he had changed. I am out of it. It feels like every day since my final sick day last week has been a Monday. :rolleyes:

Thanks for making me look like an idiot. I suppose it is payback for me doing similar to Alex a while back. Shoot me in the face. :eek:

...and I officially hang my head and retract my congrats to Doug, as I am sure I gave him congrats when he actually turned Samurai...
As a mater of fact you (and maybe Adam) are the only one who noticed...~500 posts late.:D

My title should be "slightly confused and proud of it"!:cool: I'm drunk and on vacation...ocean, pool, hot tub and my wife....there's wetness all around me!:eek:;):D


Audioholic Field Marshall
As a mater of fact you (and maybe Adam) are the only one who noticed...~500 posts late.:D

My title should be "slightly confused and proud of it"!:cool: I'm drunk and on vacation...ocean, pool, hot tub and my wife....there's wetness all around me!:eek:;):D
Naughty! :eek:

Sorry, you are right, I was 500 posts late. I officially un-retract my congrats! :D


Audioholic Jedi
Sorry, you are right, I was 500 posts late. I officially un-retract my congrats! :D
Eh, they just become "belated" congrats. It's all good.

Congratulate Doug on being a ninja. That way, you'll be early. :p

BTW - Congrats on becoming a Ninja, Doug!!! :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
You should be careful in having the following be too close to each other...

Just sayin'.
Shhhh! Maybe he won't see that post since he is probably on the road and away from the AH for a few days...

Actually, I'd probably have to loan him the gun. After all, he is a union-workin' hippie. ;)


Audioholic General
Alex a hippie ???? ...

Shhhh! Maybe he won't see that post since he is probably on the road and away from the AH for a few days...

Actually, I'd probably have to loan him the gun. After all, he is a union-workin' hippie. ;)
... I thought with his monkey ... he was an organ grinder :D

Peace ;)

Forest Man


Audioholic Field Marshall
I don't think that we're thinking about the thing. ;) :D
Strube says:


Remember: brain=non-Newtonian fluid that, when stress conditions are right, is coming out my nose, and now a bit from my ears. I have been trying to be very careful so as not to apply the incorrect stress tensor to the brain, to minimize the losses...

...but unfortunately, I think have lost the ability to decipher the subtleties and nuances of your and others' clever and witty posts. This is not good. :(;)


Audioholic Samurai
I've found that a quad-shot coffee will right that situation, at least temporarily. There are other alternatives, but they potentially come with jail time should a law enforcement stumble upon your consumption of said alternatives.

Strube says:


Remember: brain=non-Newtonian fluid that, when stress conditions are right, is coming out my nose, and now a bit from my ears. I have been trying to be very careful so as not to apply the incorrect stress tensor to the brain, to minimize the losses...

...but unfortunately, I think have lost the ability to decipher the subtleties and nuances of your and others' clever and witty posts. This is not good. :(;)


Audioholic Field Marshall
I've found that a quad-shot coffee will right that situation, at least temporarily. There are other alternatives, but they potentially come with jail time should a law enforcement stumble upon your consumption of said alternatives.
Indeed. I tried a quad-shot expresso once, but it resulted in an undisclosed amount of vomiting. :)

Guess I better look into those alternatives.

This is boring. I ordered my maximum allowed quantity of these! YES!


Audioholic Field Marshall
I personally think techflex looks good. Costs a lot more than that velcro though.

I completely agree!

I bought some faux-Techflex from Monoprice when I got my 3808, but I only ended up techflexing the power cords for the HD DVD and BD players together. Then I realized it was kind of a pain and I was kind of lazy and went with zip-ties for the rest. :)
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