Well guys I have some disappointing news. This will be a real disappointment to Matt and others that served too. First a little history about my wife and I. When I met my wife she was a single mother with two boys age 1 and 6. The looser that she was with ran out and left her with the kids. We dated for about 4 years then married. (Now I am not trying to pat myself on the back but rather just give some history) This looser skipped out and never paid a dime from day one.
I raised both boys as my own kids and I never once thought of them any different. The oldest is now 19 and the youngest 14. As some you may remember the oldest joined the Marines last year about this time. Well about 3 weeks ago my wife got a call from his Sgt. that he had gone missing, AWOL. This boy has made the wrong choices all his life. Well suffice to say we both felt a myriad of emotions about this. Shame, sadness, and some sort of guilt for doing something wrong probably most of all.
Both boys were raised in a loving home without being spoiled nor ever treated unfair. Both boys are the complete opposite of each other too. My wife and I just do not know what went wrong with the older boy. He chooses the worst friends and makes the poorest choices in life. We are both sad and ashamed for him and of him. He has disgraced himself, his family and his country. My wife and I are sad, and angry at the same time.
I just received a call from my sister who just found out were he was. She called the Sgt and turned him in. She was torn to pieces doing this, but her being former Army and Navy she had no choice.
What went wrong with this kid?