Official WTF is Adam Thread



Audioholic Jedi
Now that he's back and we know where he is, can we get the other "WTF is Adam" question answered? :p
Sure thing, but if you want to look behind the curtain, you've got to pay the two dollars just like everybody else. Well, not really. It's only a buck for my fellow AH's...just please don't spread the word outside of the forum. The locals get upset about that kind of stuff.


Audioholic Slumlord

That was me that gave you all the rep points and signed Gene's name to it. :D


Audioholic Jedi
That was me that gave you all the rep points and signed Gene's name to it. :D
Ahhh. I was feeling all special that Gene was happy that I was back. Thanks for taking that away from me. :(

:D :D Thanks for the rep, man! You (and some others) were on the list yesterday, but I ran out. It won't be long...


Audioholic Slumlord
I waited until you were gone to sleep so that you would find it in the AM and be all like, "from Gene himself ... :)". Heh heh heh :D:D
That'll teach you to disappear for a week. If I was a dog I would have just ...well, never mind.
No need to get ugly. :D

Now I need to get back to it. ;)


Audioholic Jedi
I think that this needs to become the official thread for the "other" Adam. Where the heck is adwilk? He's been gone almost a week. Hopefully he and the F&H lady are hitting it off.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I think that this needs to become the official thread for the "other" Adam. Where the heck is adwilk? He's been gone almost a week. Hopefully he and the F&H lady are hitting it off.
You mean #2?

I am sure he and the floozy...ahem...lady really hit it off, so he doesn't have time for his online friends anymore. :D


Audioholic Ninja
I think that this needs to become the official thread for the "other" Adam. Where the heck is adwilk? He's been gone almost a week. Hopefully he and the F&H lady are hitting it off.
I was just making sure people would notice if I was gone... JK

Crazy week last week. We purchased a new facility and have been moving our showroom. It was fairly chaotic. My internet activity has been limited to what I've been capable of doing on my phone. Audioholics didn't make that cut. I appreciate the concern...

You mean #2?

I am sure he and the floozy...ahem...lady really hit it off, so he doesn't have time for his online friends anymore. :D
Ummm... well.... That whole thing didn't work out so well. Apparently I can't be taken seriously. It was fine until she saw me around my "drinkin" buddies. Oh well... I've turned down better... :D

They grow up so fast; don't they?
See above...


Audioholic Jedi
Really? It took you a day and a half to come up with that one?

Man, you are really off of your game.

;) :D
:D It probably took less than a second to come up with it...but a day and a half to see it. Not all of us can be "writing a thesis." :p


Audioholic Field Marshall
:D It probably took less than a second to come up with it...but a day and a half to see it. Not all of us can be "writing a thesis." :p
No, no. You can't fool me. The time stamp on your post says 7:39 PM Arctic Tundra time (which, of course, is my time.)

...and today was the most productive thesis-writing day in a month, so I did get fooled for a minute... :)

EDIT: Okay, nevermind. I see what you are saying now. Touche! :p

I don't even know where I am! What is happening to my brain? Productive thesis days result in my gray matter turning into a non-Newtonian fluid and gooing out my nose whenever I walk to vigorously after the work day is over.


Audioholic Field Marshall
You should drive. No one walks to vigorously anymore now that they've paved the road.
What's a paved road? We still ride horses 'round these parts...except me. I really hate riding horses.

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