Yeah, on the surface $700 seems like a lot for an 8" sub but the quality and performance make up what might seem like a value deficit. I'm so impressed that I've dragged my neighbors over for a listen and they are suitably impressed. The one neighbor has been along for the whole ride of my build process, including delivery of the SVS and the Hsu, the whole experience of running both of them together and the tuning with the SMS-1. He agrees with my assessment of this sub.
I actually feel like sharing this experience with a fellow AH'er but there's nobody down here, kind of to get validation or counter-point to what I'm hearing. As it happens, I'm on vacation this week and my wife is working 12hr days and Saturday. I'm banging off the walls with boredom here. I'd be up for a little road trip if you or some of the other Ontario guys are up for a GTG on Saturday. I'll pack up my Dynaudio and this little sub and head up to T.O. for a little impromptu listening session. Let me know.
Edit - I played Black Hole Sun for my neighbor to show him where the lowest bass dropped off but it didn't seem to happen this time around. We both heard all the deepest notes just fine. It could have been my ears after all the bass heavy programming I've been listening to the last couple of days.