let me preface this by saying I have spent a substantial amount of time in the back country. I enjoy my job, i have a good wife, audio is incredible, but my first love is mother nature. I hike, climb, raft, canoe, you name it outdoors and I've done. I am an Eagle Scout, have had thorough training in survival, and started an outdoors program at my university which i ran for my entire time there as a student, my main focus being teaching wilderness survival. and nothing and i mean NOTHING i have ever seen an expert do, hear off, read about, be educated on, or try for myself in no way resembles the tv ratings gimmicks and blatant ignorance that Bear Grylls demonstrates on a regular basis. ... inhale..... exhale.... ahhhh that felt better.
I don't do as much as i use to but at least once a year i head out for a 3 or 4 day camping trip with no gear. no tent, no sleeping bag, no matches, nothing but a small bag of food. ( it is very risky to eat things in the woods even for someone experienced, so many good plants look so similar to bad plants that a quick mistaken identity could spell disaster, scavenging food is an emergency only skill, not a weekend hobby)
During the last two episodes I've seen of Man vs Wild with Mr Grylls he has gotten into water in sub freezing temperatures. To a real survivalist getting wet when its cold is the Kiss of Death, forget it game over. but maybe Bear doesn't have to obey that rule because he's that good... possible but what knocked me over the edge is i saw him strip down to his skinnys, break through some ice in a river and say "now I'm going to jump in this river and swim to the other side UNDER the ice. Then when i reach the other side I'm going to break through the ice again and climb out." holly crap, I don't even really know where to start. This crap shouldn't even be on TV because it teaches the mindless drones at home that its ok to do. Its NOT, NOT NOT NOT NOT .
I do like Survivorman, Lee Stroud seems to me, from my experiences, to be the real deal. Bear Grylls however is either a complete and udder idiot or a fake.
sorry, thats really been bugging me and I needed to get that off my chest