

Seriously, I have no life.
I can't say, as I've never read it. I know that people claim that, but I didn't think that it was stated in the text itself.
Not sure either but I keep reading what others claim that it is in some books, in the beginning someplace, don't know, not really that important.
If it is not in there why is it so important of a book?


Seriously, I have no life.
.... My dilemma with that concept is in addressing having respect for life while consciously causing the end of it on a continuous basis. I try to show respect for life, but I know of no way to survive without causing the loss of other life in order for me and my loved ones to continue living. Perhaps I am evil, but the only organism that I know of that can survive without causing another life to end are bacteria.

Just curious what you all think on the subject.
The universe has no respect for life, right? A poor design flaw;):D
I guess we the mighty, define right and wrong, no? Looking at history shows this. I guess some have learned from it, others do not and the conflict continues; the universe still doesn't care.:D


Seriously, I have no life.
I don't know about that. Didn't they have a bunch of positive thinking brainiacs converge on Washington DC to bring the crime rate down by thirty percent and the crime rate went down 30 percent? Or like I really wanted sound panels and Greg gave me sound panels and I really wanted another turntable and Walter gave me a turntable or I really wanted some WmAx speakers and Mattt gave them to me? :D
Well, people must feel for you so you get stuff in the mail;):D Maybe you only have psychic powers;)
As to DC, urban legend;) just like about the full moon, etc.


Audioholic Slumlord
Really? Good for you! I missed that.
Yep. Out of the blue he want's to give it to me. I'm gonna pick it up on my way home. :confused:

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it and am happy to get the turntable and the goodwill. It's one of those why ask why things. All I can say is 'Thank You' and hook him up with a whole mess of chicklets.

If you send me an SL-1200 I will make you #1 again. :D

I can't say, as I've never read it. I know that people claim that, but I didn't think that it was stated in the text itself.
In the Old Testament the prophets would say 'This is the word of the Lord' of 'So saith the Lord'. In John 1:1 and 1:14 refer to Jesus Christ as the 'Word' and as God. I don't know how Jehova's Witnesses get around that but I'm unconcerned too. It's in there though.

On Good and Evil:

I think death isn't necessarily evil. Life goes on. Like when a pig dies to provide me with tasty bacon it's not like pigs just became extinct. There are still pigs. I don't think that I can affect the survival of our snout sporting breakfast delights regardless of how many pig deaths I am personally responsible for. So what is evil? Well it causes pain and suffering. Torturing a pig would be evil ... or a person for that matter ... unless of course they didn't agree with my personal view on things. Moving on ... What is Good. In a word: Bacon. :D


Audioholic Ninja
I can't say, as I've never read it. I know that people claim that, but I didn't think that it was stated in the text itself.
2 Timothy 3:16....

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instuction in righteousness.

Greek text contains the word theopneustos which literally means God-breathed...

Its also stated several times in the Old Testament that the Bible is the inerrant word of God.


Audioholic Ninja
As far as the good and evil topic goes, here's my thinking based on a Christian point of view...

Knowing that good and evil exists makes us evil. That goes back to the garden of Eden.

We were given rule over the animals, The Bible suggests that we aren't animals at all, and that life only exists in those with a soul. Animals don't have souls. Killing and using animals isnt what makes you evil, Adam. Sending record players to Alex makes you evil.


Audioholic Jedi
The man is dropping some knowledge, yo.

I when I say "the man," I mean it. :)


Audioholic Ninja
I was a religious studies major.. its difficult for me in these threads cause there are some serious personal dilemmas that have little place in this forum. I've started and canceled many many replies in this thread..

I switched majors after a couple years after having my cage rattled a few times. However, I'm confident that I can understand the scripture as a document and as a foundation to a life I have chosen.

Everybody here knows I'm far from what seems like a model Christian. I've been known to throw a few back and post questionable material. Thats not what makes me who I am. I'll stop there...


Audioholic Slumlord
That's not what makes me who I am.
:D I always knew you were better than this. :D

You mentioned choosing a life. I would argue that I did not choose my life. I mean who would? No booze, no drugs, no strange, no cigarettes ... I never in a million years would have chosen this but I'm reasonably happy with it.

All I know is that if there is an after life, I am so haunting Davemcc. :eek:


Seriously, I have no life.
I think a prohibition against pork doesn't make a lot of sense a strictly religious practice, but it makes perfect sense when you consider that omnivores like pigs had a tendency to carry parasites and other diseases that wouldn't be found in herbivores like cows or sheep.

Some well meaning, observant soul figures out that eating pig can mess you up and wants to make sure everyone knows it and refrains from it. What's the best way to convince people that they shouldn't do it? Tell them God said so. From what I've read of the Bible it makes a lot more sense if you ignore all the parts about religion and God and evaluate it strictly as an instruction manual on how to start the beginnings of a civilized society.
IIRC, Jews and Muslims can't eat pork because pigs eat off of the ground. I'm not sure why chicken and cattle are OK, though. Shellfish and crustaceans are off limits for both, too.


Audioholic Ninja
IIRC, Jews and Muslims can't eat pork because pigs eat off of the ground. I'm not sure why chicken and cattle are OK, though. Shellfish and crustaceans are off limits for both, too.
Land animals have to have hooves and chew cud and sea animals have to have scales and fins. I can't remember ever a reference of pork specifically, but pigs just didn't meet the requirements. These animals were considered unclean... Actually, now that I think about it, the pig was mentioned... A camel too. Don't eat camels. You can smoke camels though...


Seriously, I have no life.
Arggg! Your quote made me realize that I had mistyped. I meant to say that I had no evidence that the potatoes came from Idaho.

Man, that really changed what I meant to convey. Oh, well. :)

BTW, sorry for the great spud problems of the midlands. Are there particular types that are grown in Wisconsin?
Particular types? Yes- the best ones.:D

I think red and Russett are the main ones.

We're also a large ginseng producer.
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Seriously, I have no life.
Well, it does claim to be the 'word of God,' no? If so, then it needs to be taken at its words. Clearly much of it are just stories, little historical support.
For instance, no evidence of that mass baby killing in there, zero, to kill off Jesus soon after birth. And on it goes. The 3 wise men? No evidence. The birth location? no evidence.
"Mass baby killing"- you mean Passover? What do you mean, "it's not in there"?


Seriously, I have no life.
Well, people must feel for you so you get stuff in the mail;):D Maybe you only have psychic powers;)
As to DC, urban legend;) just like about the full moon, etc.
You mean the effects of the full moon on people's behavior? I worked at a bar and every time we had a full moon, every whack job in town was out, causing trouble. Talk to some cops or people who work in the ER at a hospital- they'll say it happens. I have no reason to want it to happen and would really like it to stop, but I have trouble sleeping around the New Moon. That explains why I'm up now and have been up the past few mights.


Seriously, I have no life.
Land animals have to have hooves and chew cud and sea animals have to have scales and fins. I can't remember ever a reference of pork specifically, but pigs just didn't meet the requirements. These animals were considered unclean... Actually, now that I think about it, the pig was mentioned... A camel too. Don't eat camels. You can smoke camels though...
But it's just so tasty!

What's the difference between pig's feet being called 'trotters' and 'hooves'? Chickens chew cud?

I smoke nothing at all. Had part of a cigarette once. Turned green, almost yakked and gave it back.


Audioholic Spartan
All I know is that if there is an after life, I am so haunting Davemcc. :eek:

If you die and successfully haunt me, I will concede that the supernatural is real, that the afterlife exists and that religion and spirituality have a basis in fact. On the other hand, if you die first and you fail to haunt me, I'll still be alive. Double win for me.:D


Audioholic Slumlord

If you die and successfully haunt me, I will concede that the supernatural is real, that the afterlife exists and that religion and spirituality have a basis in fact. On the other hand, if you die first and you fail to haunt me, I'll still be alive. Double win for me.:D
Now I can't wait to kick. :D

The edible animal thing had the split hoof factor thrown in along with chewing cud.
That's why horses ain't kosher. I'm not really a camel expert though. :rolleyes:

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