Halo3: ODST Coming Sep 22, 2009



Audioholic Ninja
What is Halo 3: ODST?
Well, here's Bungie's official description: "The year is 2552. Covenant forces control the city of New Mombasa. They are searching for something beneath its darkened streets. You are an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper. Your orders: Stay alive, meet up with your scattered squad, and escape the embattled city."
But more in-depth: Halo 3: ODST is a new campaign running on the Halo 3 engine, paired with the new multiplayer mode Firefight and coming with the full Halo 3 Multiplayer element. Oh, and it's still an FPS.
Source: http://www.bungie.net/Projects/ODST/default.aspx

What about new weapons?
In addition to the return of the Red Brute Plasma Rifle, we have the Automag, which will fire as fast as you pull the trigger and is similar to the Halo: CE pistol with it's zoom, and the Silenced SMG. Also, the VISR mode for the visor allows you to see in the dark and identify enemies.
Source: http://www.bungie.net/projects/odst/guide.aspx

So does this game have multiplayer and forge and theater? Can I play against other people as an ODST?
ODST will include Theater mode for the campaign and Firefight. The multiplayer components to Halo 3: ODST are the Campaign co-op and Firefight. Both support up to 2 people on one Xbox console or up to 4 people over System Link and Xbox Live. The ODST box also includes a disc with a carbon-copy of Halo 3's full multiplayer. It has all 21 currently released Halo 3 maps and 3 exclusive maps (Heretic, Citadel, and Longshore). It is fully compatible with people playing on the normal Halo 3 disc, and it includes custom games, forge, and theater.. There is no separate competitive multiplayer where the player is an ODST.
source: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/news/2008/1008-reconpreview.htm
Source: http://www.bungie.net/projects/odst/features.aspx#firefight
Source: http://www.bungie.net/projects/odst/features.aspx#multiplayer
Source: http://www.bungie.net/projects/odst/features.aspx#community

What is Firefight?
Bungie's description: "Drop feet first into a new way to play Halo with the cooperative campaign mode, Firefight. Form a squad of your friends over System Link or Xbox LIVE and put your skills to the ultimate test against the invading Covenant war machine for glory, high scores, and achievements. Do battle in multiple environments, on foot or in vehicles, and against increasingly difficult waves of Covenant attackers while Halo 3's skull modifiers progressively activate to up the ante. After the Firefight, relive and review every last kill you earned and see how your high scores and stats stack up against your friends' and the community overall using Bungie.net's persistent online stats and Firefight leaderboards."
Basically, that means that waves and waves of enemies are going to be coming at you and up to 3 friends as skulls turn on and ammo runs low.
Source: http://www.bungie.net/projects/odst/features.aspx#firefight

Source: http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/halo3untitledodstgame/show_msgs.php?topic_id=m-1-50288502&pid=954261&tag=topics;title



I'm actually looking forward to this game. It will be nice to play a game in the Halo universe as something besides Arbiter or Master Chief.

The Firefight mode sound interesting but having random skulls activating may just end up getting old.


Audioholic Ninja
I'm actually looking forward to this game. It will be nice to play a game in the Halo universe as something besides Arbiter or Master Chief.

The Firefight mode sound interesting but having random skulls activating may just end up getting old.
I have not followed many games lately so I had no idea this game existed till a few days ago. It looks like hella fun and I agree the Firefight is a nice addition. I am also looking forward to the campaign as well but I bet it will be really short. I am still not sure if it is worth $60 bucks since a lot of this could be downloadable content but if the reviews are good I will trade in 3 games which I don't play anymore in for this.


Audioholic Spartan
I'm very excited about this, can't wait for the new mulitplayer maps, especially the remake of Midship from Halo 2.


Audioholic Ninja
This game comes with 2 disks. One for campaign and another for multiplayer. Played the campaign for a bit. Has the same feel as Halo 3 but there are a few tweaks. Gameplay is a bit different in the sense they incorporated a vision mode, the health system is a bit different which is broken down now into Stamina and Health. Stamina recharges and when you lose health you have to find medikits to recharge it. They have also incorporated a menu which has a large map which shows areas of interest. The new silenced submachine gun is o.k, but I don't really find any need for the silenced part. I would much prefer the battle rifle, one weapon I use a lot on legendary in Halo 3 because of its accuracy and decent range. The pistol reminds me more of Halo 1 except it is silenced and seems less powerful. I loved the pistol in Halo 1 and this is no different, it is a great weapon.

If you are a fan of Halo this game will be no different. By the way I have not played firefight or any of the multiplayer levels yet.


I picked up Halo ODST last night and finished the campaign mode cooperatively with my brother last night (on normal). Then went back and did the last stage on Legendary....lots of fun. We just finished playing a little bit on Firefight mode and it gets pretty intense in the third round...grenades start coming in en mass along with Gravity Hammer Chieftains....:cool: It has as much content as Halo 3 and I liked the campaign better in ODST.


Audioholic Spartan
I'm playing the campaign right now, I'm a little over half way through, so far it's good but it did start out kind of slow. Still haven't played firefight, or the new multiplayer maps, but I'm looking forward to doing so very soon.


Audioholic Ninja
I am just starting the level "Dutch" now. Vehicles are getting involved so it should get really fun. I am playing on herioc and there have been a few challenging parts. Lots of fun, it is a great campaign and you fight a lot in the dark, I like it better than Halo 3 so far.


The game seems quite a bit quieter than Halo 3 campaign, probably because there isn't as much radio chatter. It certainly makes running around the city as the rookie interesting.

For me I picked the game up on 9/22 and have been trying to get through the campaign on normal (but I keep getting interrupted by friends who want to do a co-op campaign or firefight, and I'm one of those people who like to do a lot of exploring and try to find all of the hidden stuff). I like the silenced weapons, and they are only good as long as you kill your target with the first shot or two, if you take any more shots than that at a target all of the others turn and start coming after you.

Firefight is a lot of fun, I happened to be at the San Diego Comic-con this year and had a chance to play the game there, I enjoyed it then and still enjoy it now.

Now, I just need to finish all of the achievements (not because I want the recon armor, but because I enjoy the challenges that the achievements bring to each game).

One thing that I don't like about the multi-player disc is that you can't just download and install the new maps to your current Halo 3, instead you just have to use that disc all the time to be able to access them. Which isn't a problem if you just play multi-player all the time, but I like to do co-op as well. Anyways, it's been fun playing, I just need to find a good 4-6 hour block of time where I can just sit and enjoy the game without being bothered (weeknights are difficult since I don't have much time to split up after work).

Also, I should note that I do enjoy playing multi-player a lot, it's just that when I first get a game I like to run through the single player parts so I can get used to it and enjoy whatever story line is associated with it, otherwise when I try to run campaign with other people they just rush through all the story line videos and you don't get to understand what is going on. After I finish that, then I'm all over multi-player.


Audioholic Ninja
Thanks for the detailed response Fenix. I am at the part where you meet up with Duch. The onslaught of enemies is very overwhelming, very intense! I died a few times but finally got down to only the wraith but it managed to kill me. I thought I stickied the wraith with a bunch of grenades but it was not enough. I'll give another crack at it tomorrow.


I'm finally towards the end of the game. I've been slowly going trying to get all of the achievements as they have been coming up (The clothes of my back, or whatever it is called, where you have to charge the plasma pistol then melee a guy to death was very very very annoying) and I've found about 14 out of the 30 audio files.

The story is interesting and this weekend I shall know how it ends. Then on to heroic then legendary.

If any of you want to band together for some Firefight, I'm up for it.


Audioholic Spartan
I finished the campaign on normal this weekend... the game seemed really short, and very easy, I'm a little dissapointed in the campaign so far. Maybe it will be more fun on legendary when playing co-op, and I still haven't played firefight or any of the new multiplayer maps yet.


Yeah, I finally finished the campaign last week, and it is fairly short if you just run through the whole thing. Since I was trying to look around for everything that I could it took me a while. Now I'm going through it on heroic though. Definately a bit tougher, but it's a fun challenge.

I've found all of the audio logs, and gotten all of the normal level acheivements. Now I just have to beat it on Heroic and Legendary.

Firefight is fun, but the only downside that I have with it is that you must invite your friends to play with you on it. You can't just go into matchmaking and find an open firefight game. Which sucks when your friends list is only about 10 people.


Audioholic Spartan
I have found about 13 or 14 of the audio logs, I thought I would have found more with as much wandering around as I did. I plan to play some more tonight though so hopefully I can get a few more achievements.


Originally I only found about 14 of the logs. Then I went to the mulit-player campaign screen and started the game on the streets of mombasa (as the rookie) with just me, so I didn't have to go to any of the other sites, I could just run around all of the city streets. I then systematically covered the entire map until I found 29 of the 30. From there I found that the last one is located somewhere else, it took me a while to find it but I did. If you need any hints on it let me know (or you can always google it).


I've just played and passed the halo2 series, im anxious to get the latest version. I have been watching youtube reviews and videos.


One thing that I miss from the Halo 2 series is the ability to lock onto your target with the rocket launcher. That's one of the things that was great about it. You didn't have to worry about the vehicle moving out of the way.

Anyways...I have found that one of my favorite weapong combo's is the plasma pistol with a carbine. Charge up the pistol and shoot at a brute, then quickly switch to the carbine and kill it with only 1-3 shots (depends on how good your headshots are). I seem to run through them pretty quickly this way.

Hunters seem to be more of a PITA now than they were in any of the previous games. You either have to stick them with 3 grenades or shoot them in the bare part of the back.


Its good only, except these issues:
- Content not enough
- Multiplayer not up to my expectation
- Repetitive game play

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