Is there any magic in power cables??



Junior Audioholic
powr cabls


here and there I read people raving about what a good power cable can do for your system, mainly on the video side, etc., etc., etc...

There's one thing I just can't undestand and it's related to both, power cables AND power conditioners as well. If you have a good power conditioner, why in hell would you need a top notch power cable?

If you don't, well, maybe a good power cable can improve the overall performance somewhat, but still I'm not sure about that, to be honest, as I don't have any.

I do believe in what a good power conditioner can do, indeed, but what about those extra expensive power cables promising everything??

Maybe I better call the Mythbusters though ;)

Regards, Chuck
IMO your AC quality is the foundation to your system. I bought two PS AUDIO POWER PLANT PREMIERS (I have two racks) & it actually cleans the AC coming into your sytem like a PUR water faucet attachment cleans the water in your house. Whats also cool about the PPP is it actually shows you how much garbage it cleaned out of your AC line via a built in THD read out on the display part of the unit.(no snake oil) mine went from a horrible 4.5% down to a respectable .04%. As far as power cables either you believe or you don't.

I believe because non-stock power cales have better rf protection & lower gauge copper or silver which of course transmits more AC to your equipmnt. Their ia a huge mark-up on power cables & a lot of snake oil. A good rather inexpensive easy to manipulate AC cable is Audioquest. I happen to use PS Audio's AC-12 which are very expensive. I have two very good power cables I don't use anymore that I could sell you dirt cheap! They retail for $890/each. I noticed a cleaner sound using them but switched to the PS Audio AC-12 cables for continuity. another big debate, but IMO having all the same quality & if possible brand of cabling makes a lot of sense.

I really would get the PS Audio Power Plant P. they lowered the price by $300 & they have a 30 day no-charge return policy, so you can demo it & return it no questions asked if you do not notice a difference.



Audioholic Ninja
IMO your AC quality is the foundation to your system. I bought two PS AUDIO POWER PLANT PREMIERS (I have two racks) & it actually cleans the AC coming into your sytem like a PUR water faucet attachment cleans the water in your house. Whats also cool about the PPP is it actually shows you how much garbage it cleaned out of your AC line via a built in THD read out on the display part of the unit.(no snake oil) mine went from a horrible 4.5% down to a respectable .04%. As far as power cables either you believe or you don't.
The step-down transformer in your equipment's power-supply already does that. It's redundant and has no effect on the sound produced by your gear.

I believe because non-stock power cales have better rf protection & lower gauge copper or silver which of course transmits more AC to your equipmnt.
Darn all that aluminum that brings the power to your outlet huh?

You don't seem to have the vaguest idea how RF affects cabling or when. The charge placed on a (let's say) 12' cable is insignificant (and at entirely the wrong frequencies) to effect mains power.

Stock cable is generally a larger gauge than the aluminum cable within the power outlet... and too small a gauge would, in this instance, mostly cause heating of the wire.

Their ia a huge mark-up on power cables & a lot of snake oil. A good rather inexpensive easy to manipulate AC cable is Audioquest. I happen to use PS Audio's AC-12 which are very expensive. I have two very good power cables I don't use anymore that I could sell you dirt cheap! They retail for $890/each. I noticed a cleaner sound using them but switched to the PS Audio AC-12 cables for continuity. another big debate, but IMO having all the same quality & if possible brand of cabling makes a lot of sense.
Wasted money. When my gear has a C19 receptacle, I use computer power cords (cause I have a bunch lying around). Otherwise I use stock. There's no difference.

I really would get the PS Audio Power Plant P. they lowered the price by $300 & they have a 30 day no-charge return policy, so you can demo it & return it no questions asked if you do not notice a difference.
Spend the money on a good UPS. It won't improve your sound, but it will protect your equipment from damage.

I do think it's rather ironic that your cable cost more than your line conditioner.


Audioholic Jedi
Does coating a white cable with chocolate syrup give it a "warm decadent" sound?
I've never been able to keep the chocolate syrup on long enough to find out. My chocoholism is stronger than my audioholism. :)


Audioholic Overlord
No, I can't find the brown cable. Does coating a white cable with chocolate syrup give it a "warm decadent" sound?
I like cables that have a clear insulation because it gives me a more transparant sound. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Overlord
I like cables that have a clear insulation because it gives me a more transparant sound. :rolleyes:
I always wrap my cables in fleece blankets. I'm aware of the fire risk, but I really like a warm sound.

One time I tried bare wire, but the sound was just way to live for me. :D


Audioholic Spartan
I like the high highs so I have mine stapled to the ceiling.


Audioholic Overlord
I like the high highs so I have mine stapled to the ceiling.
Doesn't stapling it make the sound more compressed though?

I'd think hooks would be better for a more natural sound.


Senior Audioholic
i kinda like it quiet and uncluttered so I'm going wireless


the only problem w/up-grading to a good ac cable is it takes anywhere from 100-150 hrs. to break-in the cables.
I need a ROFL smilie ... How exactly do you "break in" a power cable????

I can see how some people will argue the stiffness of a cone will change over time providing a speaker break in period but how is the cable going to change and "break in?"

Personally ... if there's anything happening that causes a change in a power cord I'd pitch it as that sounds like a giant fire hazard.


Junior Audioholic
When you upgraded...

I wasn't aware swapping out one set of copper wires for another set of copper wires was an upgrade, seems pretty lateral to me.

But hey, I'm a sponge.:D
The pair of interconnects I swaped out are made of copper wire, the ones I up-graded too are made from Silver wire! maybe you should read the whole message! Some people just don't get it.



Junior Audioholic
WOW, what a bunch of silliness, really.
Cable break in? Really? Any evidence?
Matching cables? Really? Down to that last mm?
What does Rick really know, anyhow? Marketing voodoo? BS?
Actually, any evidence, credible evidence, not testimonials, about anything you posted? OK, I'll give you the one about the electrical conductivity of metals but so what, especially when copper is the most used metal at least in audio.

It is scary, to say the least.
yes ask anyone that has read a little bit on the subject, or say CEO of major companies I have spoken with all agree cables do go thru a break-in process.

Matching cables (not neccesarly Virtual Dynamics) keep the sonic tonality the same across the board, just as having matching speakers does.

You can use lamp cords for all I care but really do a little reading/research before you repy to my messages as it is like talking to a wall! You talk about scientic data, I have seen quite a bit & reseached quit a bit. I make my own disicions based on facts & the information (scientic) I read that has educated me. You just seem to go along with the crowd!

So what about different metal conectivity? that was the whole point?? What do mean so what? there are different quality of copper & different forms Example: Multi-strand/single strand. Yes it does make a big difference.

At least Rick @ virtual dynamics has study & research how difference materails, metals, ect sound, have you? I don't buy snake oil or Virtual dynamic cables, I actually meet Rick because i e-mailed him telling him he was out to rip-off people. It turns out he is a pretty decent guy & does have a lot of knowledge.

By the way how do you like your BOSE SYSTEM!



Junior Audioholic
So where you blown away immediately or did it take 100-150 hours of listening for you get blown away by the change?

I was blowen away right away when i went from copper to silver interconnects. As far as break-in it is a reality, you will get 80% or so of the performace out of the box,(or in your case your plastic K-Mart bag) but it will take 100-150 hrs to break in quality cables or speakers.

a good example is a newly formed river bed, the more time water flows down it the quicker, smother the water flow. Same with an electrical signal, the more it is used the better current flow, smoothness & the greaterthe signal tranfer.


Junior Audioholic
They don't do anything, at all. Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.\

P.S. I am always right.
Go take a tour of Abbey Road studios, or Skywalker studios or have you seen a Omni Max theater being constructed?

The higher price of a cable (or any other piece of audio gear) in no way gaureentees it is better, but their are superior products, you just need to do your home work.

Jeff Rowland & Wyred4sound use the same exact circuit boards for their class D amps (as many other well knowen companies) made by B&O & their price range per 100 watt goes from $1,000 to $7000.00!! now to me that is snake oil.

Their is excellent speaker wire available for relatively cheap prices, exspecaily compared to the big brand names, but once again you have to be knowledgable about speaker wires, ect. so you know what to look for.



Seriously, I have no life.
I was blowen away right away when i went from copper to silver interconnects. As far as break-in it is a reality, you will get 80% or so of the performace out of the box,(or in your case your plastic K-Mart bag) but it will take 100-150 hrs to break in quality cables or speakers.

a good example is a newly formed river bed, the more time water flows down it the quicker, smother the water flow. Same with an electrical signal, the more it is used the better current flow, smoothness & the greaterthe signal tranfer.
So you're saying the current flows through the cables like water through a hose, right?


Seriously, I have no life.
Their is excellent speaker wire available for relatively cheap prices, exspecaily compared to the big brand names, but once again you have to be knowledgable about speaker wires, ect. so you know what to look for.

Yes, please tell us what you look for and your knowledge about wire is from where?

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