The government can't even shut down the hacking or pirating community. What makes you think they can shut down the whole internet. Especially since it takes me only a few minutes to network with anyone else. Don't underestimate the computer underground.
Paranoid is the right word. He lives near MKE. I went through that town once in my life and it made me Paranoid. I got offered pot while I was there.
If I lived in the same place I'd probably be paranoid too. Plus it's freaking cold up there. Which explains why he's got no issues with Global Warming.
If I lived in Wisconsin I'd be increasing my pollution in hopes of giving myself some relief from chattering teeth and frozen blood vessels.
The reality is the peasants had it better than we do. They only paid 20% of their earnings. Now we pay like 50% once you add up all the taxes we pay. The sad crap is they come up with creative ways to tax us all the time.
Like jacking up the cost of a driver's license.