tattoo dan, i will ignore your pm and consider it as you waking up on the wrong side of the bed.
Resolution % of Internet Users
Higher than 1024×768 30%
1024×768 70%
800×600 4%
Lower than 800×600 < 1%
XGA eXtended Graphics Array 1024×768 18.87%
WXGA Widescreen eXtended Graphics Array 1152×864 3.80%
WXGA Widescreen eXtended Graphics Array 1280×768 0.72%
WXGA Widescreen eXtended Graphics Array 1280×800 6.68%
WXGA Widescreen eXtended Graphics Array 1280×960 2.39%
SXGA Super eXtended Graphics Array 1280×1024 26.05%
WXGA Widescreen eXtended Graphics Array 1366×768 0.84%
WSXGA Widescreen Super eXtended Graphics Array 1440×900 11.39%
Ultra eXtended Graphics Array 1600×1200 0.99%
WSXGA Widescreen Super eXtended Graphics Array Plus 1680×1050 18.45%
Full High Definition 1920×1080 2.18%
WUXGA Widescreen Ultra eXtended Graphics Array 1920×1200 4.01%
Other 3.64%
the later and more optimistic survey shows only 26%+- could view this page properly.
all my PC's have 22" screens with a resolution width of 1440 pixels. kinda defeats the purpose of getting a bigger screen when all the fonts are teeny tiny. only gamers really need the massive resolutions.
i go to other forums with crazy 500 width resolution arbitrary restrictions on images ... i keep pleading for at least an 800. they won't give way. that's why i'm very thankful this forum doesn't even have a restriction (but it would be nice to self police on what's really necessary)