The only sissy here that "was not taking it like a man", has been lsiberian. This stupid and brainwashed member who supports communism must indeed have his head in the sand, and must have shoved anti Bush sentiment down your throat for 3.5 years.
As I get older, I find myself get more conservative. It seems to not be all so uncommon for that to happen.
But, your attitude is hardly befitting a moderator.
I wouldn't get in such a tizzy about one single poster trying to defend his viewpoints, without even the slightest resemblance of the contentiousness in your own posts. Really, ask yourself, who is really getting into a tizzy here?
If it's not just lsiberian who can't take your put-downs and insults like a man, what other members might that be? Was it me?
Or do any contrasting thoughts to yours immediately warrant numerous insults? I suppose to you, it is yes?
"Well, I have to respectfully disagree."? Respectfully? You're kidding me, right?
I suppose because I defended lsiberian in posting his thoughts, without the need for direct insults might now make me a sissy too. At least your use of the word "sissies" can now apply, since before it was only one "sissy".