Three jets, huh? That's one for Pelosi, one for Frank and one for Reid. That must be the executive compensation package for destroying the world economy. They must be feeling mighty pleased with themselves right now.
You're just picking on Barney Frank because he's gay.
The hypocrites in congress need planes and planes need wings, Dam it.
Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., a recipient of more than $40,000 in campaign donations from Fannie Mae – was once romantically involved with a Fannie Mae executive Herb Moses.
Frank was and remains a stalwart defender of Fannie Mae, which is now under FBI investigation along with its sister organization Freddie Mac, American International Group Inc. (NYSE:AIG) and Lehman Brothers (NYSE:LEH) – all recently participants in government bailouts. But Frank has derailed efforts to regulate the institution, as well as denying it posed any financial risk. Frank’s office has been unresponsive to efforts by the Business & Media Institute to comment on these potential conflicts of interest.
It's perfect when a Presidential election plan and a recession plan all come together.