About three days ago I started noticing that things just weren't sounding the same, something was missing. Well today I think I may have found the root of the problem.
When listening to music with low bass, all the bass seems to be coming from the speakers, not the subwoofer. I think i might be hearing some sound from the subwoofer, but it's very hard to tell.
I tested some movies to try and confirm what I was hearing. I tried LOTR Fellowship but I couldn't remember where the ring drop scene was exactly. It's not where Sauron gets his finger cut off is it? Then I tested SAW II on the opening scene. On this one I really think I can hear sound coming from the subwoofer, and I know I can feel air coming out the ports on the back.
Other Observations:
When I change the crossover on the receiver, the sound stays the same - the betas seem to handle the full range of sound regardless of the crossover.
Whenever I run the auto calibration and it tests the sub, the sub fills the room with LFE just like it should.