Nice. Remember that scene in Cannonball Run, where the 2 hot chicks in the Lamborghini would get out of tickets?
I was watching one of those "Cops" types of shows about a month ago, where a male cop had pulled over a couple of bimbos in a 350z. The cop tells her that he pulled her over for doing 34mph in a 25mph zone. The girl says, "But everyone knows you can go 10mph over." The cop tells her that isn't correct. Then she asks the cop if he can just give her a warning. He asks her why she should just get a warning. Get this, the girls says, "I'm pretty." And he did!!!!! He just gave her a warning.
I couldn't believe it. The girl admits to driving 10mph over the speed limit all the time and then expects to be let off because she's hot. Then the jackass cop feeds into her ego and distorted view of reality by confirming that hot chicks don't get tickets. Lame.