Unfortunately this sounds like one of those cases of untreated schizophrenia.
Throughout out my career the mental health commitment laws were gutted, treatment facilities underfunded and closed, state mental hospitals closed and community psychiatric outreach gutted.
To make matters worse the legal profession and judges have become increasingly ignorant on the mental health arena, and followed a bunch of sap from civil rights activists.
Thirty years ago it was relatively easy to have a mental health hearing, present the facts and convince a judge a patient needed committing for treatment. Now it almost certainly a waste of time.
So now we have individuals in the community who should not be, on the streets in homeless shelters and now in increasing numbers in nursing homes, were they do not belong. In nursing homes they are in fact terrorizing and harming vulnerable elderly.
The solutions are to have lawyers and judges trained in the mental health area, like they used to be, or get the legal profession out of the mental health area and leave it to the medical community to decide who needs commitment.
We need to fund mental health programs, and we do need facilities for the chronically mentally ill.
Just to illustrate how difficult things are, a University student and part time employee of my daughter developed some scary mental health issues within the last year. He even achieved some notoriety in the local media.
I first arranged for intervention through student health. They acted in a highly inappropriate manner, and sent him the the university hospital emergency room. They discharged home and told him to report to the busy emergency room of the only level 1 trauma center in the area.
It took me two days of really running a lawn mower over the asses of the county mental health personnel, to achieve an appropriate intervention.
So yes, I bet that intanticide case did come to attention, but everybody dropped the ball or couldn't care less.
These horror stories are getting worse and will continue to get worse, if we don't get back to standards of 30 years ago and improve on them.