I built the Infinity Kappa perfect 12 simple build found on another forum site and it was good. The problem was that I powered it with a 300 WRMS plate amp AND I got the DVQ model. So, I thought that I would fix my new affinity for bass by swapping out the 12" for an IXL 15.2.2. That did a little but still left me wanting. Now I have swapped out the 300 watt plate amp for an OAudio 500 WRMS plate amp and am left still wanting. Something is wrong. The manual clearly states that only one RCA should be used from the LFE port, and I have done this. However, when 2 RCA's via a Y-jack are used there is a lot more output. The out put from the sub seems like it is thin, or missing something. It seems like it is not getting enough signal from the receiver. I have cheapy cheap 50 ft long RCA cable connecting the two. Could this be a problem?
Here is a quick description of the problem.
Transformers with the Infinity and 300 watt plate amp sounded better, deeper, and even created some wow moments.
Transformers with the IXL 15 and OAudio 500 plate amp seem to have less impact, lack of really deep stuff, and create NO wow moments.
By the way, I simply routed the hole larger in the same Infinity box to accomodate the larger sub. So, the box remains the same.
For those unfamiliar with the build it is a 3.95 ft3 (internal) box with a 12.5x3x61.95 in slot port tuned to 19.5hz.
What can I do to make this thing better!?