I should have mentioned I tried that step already, Peter. Set at 8 Ohms. But thank you for the suggestion nonetheless.
I just wanted to say how impressed I am with this forum. Never in my life have I seen an internet forum so informative and helpful. You guys rock!
Also, drum roll please, it appears as though the problem
has been solved!!
When I was hooking up one of the speaker wires for the 3832nd time I noticed that one of the surround terminals had a
tiny bit of speaker wire stuck in there. One, yes, ONE little hair of the wire was arching around and touching the chassis.
I pulled out some needle nose pliers and yanked that sucker and his little buddies outta there. I was caught between amazement at my own stupidity and giddy excitement at the prospect of finding the issue.
I hooked up the remaining speakers, ensuring every single piece of speaker wire was fully contained in the terminal and VOILA!
I then cranked up a movie and NO CUT OFF!
I am so sorry for wasting everyone's time with this ridiculous problem but as I said I am completely appreciative of people's assistance. It wasn't a waste of time for me because I managed to eliminate possible issues and heck, I learned a fair bit too.
So, once more. Thank you, gentlemen. You are AV gods among men.
One more. Feel like I can't thank you guys enough.