The SHIVA-X; while I'm sure it's a nice driver, I highly doubt it is anywhere near the performance level of the W7 unit.
The failure listed above is very unusual.
I have the 10" versions currently in use(I also have the 12" versions, but the are not being used right now), and 650 actual watts per unit can not over-drive them.
The Kappa Perfect .1 and VQ, it should be noted, have a very linear motor strength from 0, to well over the x-max point (14mm being xmax, I estimate 17-18mm where the motor is still retaining relativity high BL). But when you go past 20mm, into the mid 20 range, you suddenly hit CRITICAL FAILURE point. This differs from most subs, as most drivers start to audibly distort and have other problems well before they reach a point of critical failure, so you know to turn it down. On one hand, this is good, as the driver remains pristine SQ at even high level(most subs fall apart in SQ after medium drive levels), but it's also bad, in that you have no good warning to let you know you are about to destroy the driver. This is a common scenario with this driver when driven to mechanical failure.
But the above scenario, using only 450 watts, and a high pass protection filter, simply does not meet a scenario where the driver should have a chance to ever become over-driven to the point of mechanical failure. At 500 watts, with 2nd order 25Hz subsonic filter, in the avaserfi box, the maximum excursion I can calculate as possible is 14mm. With it set at 20Hz, the maximum is 17mm. This is radically under the mechanical limit, and well within the linear limit. Any problems at all here are due to DEFECTIVE driver or defective amplifier. And in this case, it's clear the driver is the problem due to poor quality control construction, assuming you purchased the driver new/unused. If it was used, then there is no telling how much abuse the driver could have been subjected to prior to your purchase.