I saw Transformers 2 first, then I saw Public Enemies 2nd over the weekend.
I thought Public Enemies was sooooooooooooooooo bad that it made me think that Transformers 2 was good.
I'll be the first to nominate PE as one of the worst movies of 2009. I think I yawned like 20 times during this 2.5h movie, which felt like it lasted 25 hrs.
I thought PE was even a lot worse than Wolverine: X-Men Origins!!!
I have to say that 2009 does not appear to be a great movie year for me.
1st, I thought the "Public Enemies" story was BORING.
2nd, I thought I was watching a HOME VIDEO shot by an expensive hand held HD camcorder.
3rd, except for the dialogues, I thought I was watching a silent movie. The soundtrack was practically nonexistent. Let's see...there was the dialogue...then there was the gun shots...then there was the elevator music....
4th, I thought the story was BORING. Oh, sorry, did I already say that?
Oh, I forgot to say that it had no character development. I didn't care at all for either Johnny Depp or Christian Bale's character.