Is there any magic in power cables??



Junior Audioholic
up-grading power cables, ect.

You're so right, save your money. We all have to learn some things the hard way, which usualy costs us.
I truly believe a good power cord does vastly help a system! (from personal experience) I wonder how many people that say they do nothing have actually up-graded their ac cables??

Cables are very important, the main thing is to have matching cables thru out your system. one bad cable can ruin your whole systems sound.

go to Virtual Dynamics & check out Ricks' Q&A section, it's very imformative.

when I up-graded my Audioquest interconnects from columbia to SKY, I was blowen away w/how much better my system sounded!

the only problem w/up-grading to a good ac cable is it takes anywhere from 100-150 hrs. to break-in the cables.

Its a fact that some metals are better than others at transmitting electrical signals. Silver (PSS) is the best than (PSC)or Pure surface copper (oxygen free copper) than y have like brass, ect.

Single strand Solid wire is far superior to multi stranded wire. i was a non-believer until i actual tried up-graded cables. Aim not saying spend thousands of $$ on your cables. But experiment & when you find a cable brand y like use it in your entire system & i promise y the sound difference will be amazing. aim currently running all Audioquest cables from ac to interconnects. It gives my system synergy.


I wonder how many people that say they do nothing have actually up-graded their ac cables??
I wonder how many people who say that pigs can't fly have actually taken a pig up to the roof of a five story building and pushed it off?

Hopefully the answer is "none."

We don't need to test the flying pigs hypothesis. Nor do we need to test the magic cable hypothesis. Of course many people will believe in magic cables, just as millions of people believe that the Virgin Mary appeared to Sister Lucia some 90 years ago in Fatima, Portugal, and showed her a vision of Hell. In Sister Lucia's mind, I'm sure it happened, that the vision was clear. It may even have had great depth and a low noise floor. But, fortunately, it was all in her mind.


Seriously, I have no life.
I truly believe a good power cord does vastly help a system! (from personal experience) I wonder how many people that say they do nothing have actually up-graded their ac cables??

Cables are very important, the main thing is to have matching cables thru out your system. one bad cable can ruin your whole systems sound.

go to Virtual Dynamics & check out Ricks' Q&A section, it's very imformative.

when I up-graded my Audioquest interconnects from columbia to SKY, I was blowen away w/how much better my system sounded!

the only problem w/up-grading to a good ac cable is it takes anywhere from 100-150 hrs. to break-in the cables.

Its a fact that some metals are better than others at transmitting electrical signals. Silver (PSS) is the best than (PSC)or Pure surface copper (oxygen free copper) than y have like brass, ect.

Single strand Solid wire is far superior to multi stranded wire. i was a non-believer until i actual tried up-graded cables. Aim not saying spend thousands of $$ on your cables. But experiment & when you find a cable brand y like use it in your entire system & i promise y the sound difference will be amazing. aim currently running all Audioquest cables from ac to interconnects. It gives my system synergy.
WOW, what a bunch of silliness, really.
Cable break in? Really? Any evidence?
Matching cables? Really? Down to that last mm?
What does Rick really know, anyhow? Marketing voodoo? BS?
Actually, any evidence, credible evidence, not testimonials, about anything you posted? OK, I'll give you the one about the electrical conductivity of metals but so what, especially when copper is the most used metal at least in audio.

It is scary, to say the least.


Audioholic Overlord
when I up-graded my Audioquest interconnects from columbia to SKY, I was blowen away w/how much better my system sounded!
When you upgraded...

I wasn't aware swapping out one set of copper wires for another set of copper wires was an upgrade, seems pretty lateral to me.

But hey, I'm a sponge.:D
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
...when I up-graded my Audioquest interconnects from columbia to SKY, I was blowen away w/how much better my system sounded!

the only problem w/up-grading to a good ac cable is it takes anywhere from 100-150 hrs. to break-in the cables
So where you blown away immediately or did it take 100-150 hours of listening for you get blown away by the change?



Audioholic Field Marshall
*sigh* I want to be devil's advocate on this issue for a bit...

I believe there is a difference in cables, but it doesn't lie in obsidian connectors or unicorn urine fillers. Some cables are made really badly. I've picked up some Radio Shack wires that had the connectors broken and the braided line inside cut at the ends slightly. Some cheapy Monoprice replacement did give me a better sound, but that's only because the sound wasn't coming through right. It was also barely noticeable. If that was a power cable, it could have been a fire hazard or at least a potential point for noise introduction.

Is there a difference between a well-manufactured cheapy cable and one lined with elephant tusk from the big price brands? Absolutely not. Is there a difference between a cable you picked up from a street vendor in Chinatown that has a broken end connector or an unnoticeable cut somewhere in the line and a cable you bought from a reputable dealer for a very fair honest and uninflated-by-gimmicks price? Certainly.

But again, it boils down to the quality of the manufacturing, not the gimmicks.


Audioholic Chief
Pretty fair comments Nemo,

but in a certain way we're comparing apples to oranges, in the sense that you're getting the dirty cheap Chinatown cord and comparing it against a very well-made cable though. Let's see things on a different angle on this one and comparing - let's say - the original power cord supplied with a Denon 3808 AVR and the pretty fancy-glancy $ 500 power cord, though.

That's the real point, IMO. YMMV ;)

Regards, Chuck


Junior Audioholic

I wonder how many people who say that pigs can't fly have actually taken a pig up to the roof of a five story building and pushed it off?

Hopefully the answer is "none."

We don't need to test the flying pigs hypothesis. Nor do we need to test the magic cable hypothesis. Of course many people will believe in magic cables, just as millions of people believe that the Virgin Mary appeared to Sister Lucia some 90 years ago in Fatima, Portugal, and showed her a vision of Hell. In Sister Lucia's mind, I'm sure it happened, that the vision was clear. It may even have had great depth and a low noise floor. But, fortunately, it was all in her mind.
MAN YOU BRING RELIGION IN TO A STUPID AUDIO DISCUSSION!! have you ever owned or auditioned high quality cables? Can you tell me the answer to life? you seem to know it all! A power cord can do a lot for a system, but aim not advocating spending $800 on an AC cable. Your system is like your house it starts with the foundation, the better the foundation the better the house. So clean AC is a most if you want all your gear to play up to it's potentail. Of course It is just IMO.

B&W has a pretty good ratio on how much to spend on your cables vs. the cost of your system, they say about 10%.

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Audioholic Spartan
Have you ever owned or auditioned high quality cables? A power cord can do a lot for a system, but aim not advocating spending $800 on an AC cable. Your system is like your house it starts with the foundation, the better the foundation the better the house. So clean AC is a must if you want all your gear to play up to it's potentail. Of course It is just IMO.

I'm thinking of changing AC cables. Can you help me out with some suggestions?
The only part that confuses me is: If the AC wires within the walls are 14-AWG Romex, how will six feet of power cord change anything?


Audioholic Ninja
MAN YOU BRING RELIGION IN TO A STUPID AUDIO DISCUSSION!! have you ever owned or auditioned high quality cables?
Auditioned? Yes. Looked at measured tests of? Yes. Understand the mechanics of? I'm an EE by training. Work with power going into power supplies to be fed to equipment more delicate than an amp? I build server rooms (among other things).

They measure the same on insturment.

There's never been a blind test that resulted in someone able to tell the difference between two well-built (non-defective) power cables.

6-ft of properly-built (and sufficiently sized) cord has no effect on the power moving through it.

At the amp-end of the cord is a big power supply, including transformers and capaciters. A capaciter is like a damn and resuviour. It doesn't matter all that much how the river looked on one side, it's pretty controlled on the other.

And, of course, the "where is this power coming from?" question. You mention the foundation of the house? That's a generator at a power plant putting out some very dirty (and comlpetely inappropriate for home outlets) power, hundreds of miles of lines and relays, tranformers, and your house wiring.

Perhaps you believe you have a magic power conditioner that puts out cleaner power than everyone else's. I suggest you look inside to see how well that is made. The one I use at work weighs over four tons and costs... well, I'll bet more than yours did. I'm using (on my end equipment, the 44kv UPS does require a big cable) pretty standard power cables (we do pay a bit more ($5 vs $3) to get highly flexable cables.)

But hey: Get an multi-meter and prove us all wrong.

Can you tell me the answer to life?

you seem to know it all!
A claim you seem to be making.

A power cord can do a lot for a system,
Of course. It connects it to electricity.

but aim not advocating spending $800 on an AC cable. Your system is like your house it starts with the foundation, the better the foundation the better the house. So clean AC is a most if you want all your gear to play up to it's potentail. Of course It is just IMO.
The opinion of my multi-meter is that, except for power drops (best handled with a UPS) or extreme spikes, the power coming out of the power-supplies I've tested is pretty consistant despite fluxuations in the inbound power.

B&W has a pretty good ratio on how much to spend on your cables vs. the cost of your system, they say about 10%.
I assume you refer to:

"Most specialist magazines advocate spending a total of 10% of your available system budget on cabling to optimise its performance"

They defer to "most magazines". Try ( or (

Both have deidaced time to testing these claims, not just deferred to magazines. One manufactures cable as an industry (Belkin is one of the most respected names in it)... and B&W give no indication they are discussing power cables.

Perhaps it would help to know what you are advocating. I'm advocating the following: There will be no difference in sound between two properly built (the one that came with your receiver, unless defective, qualifies) power cables.


Senior Audioholic
man this is Deja vu here.. didnt I have this same argument a few months ago and got my butt kicked :) lol in an educational big brother helping his little bro out sort of way :)

emotionally i spend so much money on the components I want to feel like I need to spend alot on the cables.. but when i go back to the first time i bought a monster cable(yes i agree the worst offender) i did it because having all those cool looking connectors in the back was neat looking. from there i just sold myself on it and why I justified the cost.

even at the time I got sucked into this argument I didnt completely disagree with everyone .. in fact even before hand I bought all my cables from cable solutions who seems to be very similar to blue jean cable. they seem very very well made and dont cost a fortune. I think the basic line that most people have here is the copper and insulation does not make a difference.. as long as everything is connectied together well.

personally I heard a difference when i switched to balanced interconnects.. :)

sadly and I really wish I was right.. because i'm really stuborn the science these guys have I really cant dispute with info i'm repeating from 3rd or 4th hand from other people who are just repeating what the manufacture told them to say.

I do however have 2 audioquest cables.. 75ohm I paid 15 bucks for both of them :) and I still kinda like the cable solutions canare stuff better..

just for the feel of it..

I will ramble a little further .. the more i'm on this site.. the more I look at DIY stuff as something that i woudl be willing to do and consider it equal or better quality.

oh and that page that showed the interior of the 300$$ cable is just disturbing. if that doesnt make you reevaluate this stuff i dont know what would.. crap.. garden hose?? come on guys..


Audioholic Overlord
The white power cord I use on my receiver sounds too bright, I'm switching to black to see if I can get a darker sound.


Audioholic Ninja
I do however have 2 audioquest cables.. 75ohm I paid 15 bucks for both of them :) and I still kinda like the cable solutions canare stuff better..
As a teen in the 1980s, I got suckered in and bought some rather overpriced connector cables (The cable is as thick as the interconnect, and all gold-braid-colored) and speaker cable.

On the up side: I still use them today. They are perfectly adequite (though a bit stiff), and very pretty, and I suppose 20 years later I don't miss the money much any more.

So I just accept that I paid for what, in the end, is "pretty". Given that it's lasting pretty, it amotorizes pretty cheap.

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