**May include a little spoiler, but, I can't talk about the movie without it*
I was recommended "Taken" from a friend and had heard some good things about it from those who saw it in the theater, so it was added to NetFlix.
Taken is about a retired CIA agent who is forced to track down his daughter who has been kidnapped on a trip to Europe. I was immediately reminded of Man on Fire, a movie that executed this story fantastically, but this isn't even close. Liam Neeson does his best to get through the shortfalling dialog, but its futile.
The girl is kidnapped to be taken into the sex trade. This is one part of the movie that killed it for me, because if you want to make a movie PG-13, having it be about the sex trade probably isn't going to deliver much impact. To deal with something so vile, it can't be tiptoed around. This movie does, you see some girls that have been given opiates, some ugly places, but it doesn't gut wrench you like it should. Instead they deliver casual torture, shooting someone who probably didn't get to get shot, all in a package suitable for a 13 year old. I think the MPAA has really lost their mind. Torture is okay, shooting some girl is okay, but don't show any boobs or any collateral damage or grit and we're cool. Maybe its a whole other topic, but if your going to shoot someone in a movie, don't make it almost comical that shooting people doesn't become a big deal. When people get shot, there is lots of blood, and shock, and cries, and cops, and things I can't even imagine.
It's a movie that maybe originally intended to say something dark and chilling about a world we don't know, but ultimately leaves you with nothing.
Everything is so fast paced, so noisy, so lacking impact, that its difficult to care. Then on top of that, you add in this impression that Europe is unsafe, and that brown people will steal your virgin daughter (played by a girl that looks older than me) and her slut friend as soon as they land. Once they leave America, Liam must go through a whole list of foreign people (anyone with brown skin will do) to find his daughter again.
Dream dad comes and kung-foos his away around Paris (without a single visit from a cop, even after attacking people at an airport .... because airports have no security

) until the movie ends... except for a final scene that is so tacky you might throw up a little.
What the movie does have is action, so if you want something to watch, and have an occasional laugh at, you could do worse. If you want something to make you think, or care, this isn't it. This movie would have been better suited for a bunch of drunk people sitting around a couch yelling obsenties at the TV.