That would probably do. Let me explain before I sound
enormously greedy (instead of just
incredibly greedy

). The lumped sum is at $113M. After tax, that's probably about $70M. I'd like to give $30M to my family ($10M to my parents and $10M/each to my brothers), and probably another $10M out as gifts to friends (yes, including some of you). That leaves $30M. I'd like to set up refuges for animals, so that's a huge chunk of cash. I'd also want enough to invest/save so that I could live off of interest alone.
In reality, I'd probably put a lot of it into interest-bearing ventures, and then give out money to family/friends on an annual basis. I'd want to give a big chunk out at first, especially to my parents, so that they could enjoy it now. Oh, and yes, I'd consult professionals before cashing in the ticket to try to do it the smartest way for taxes.
That's just a bit of what I've thought about over the years regarding the lottery. A lot more thought than is really warranted for a guy who doesn't buy lottery tickets.