OK, time to get all philosophical. I know, I know…but bear with me, just trying to get a feel for what people think.
Ok, Here’s the scenario. A couple of stories start popping up on the internet about 2 astronomers who have spotted a chunk of rock zooming through the solar system. Not a big deal, but remember the last one? It missed us by a matter of only 46,000 miles. And that was after it passed us by. Keep in mind - they only know about less than 1% of what’s coming near us.
After a few days, more astronomers from different observatories confirm the rock is there. A few more days pass and now we get an idea of size - an asteroid 25 miles across. They’re still not worried, because no one is even trying to project a trajectory. Then a couple of college students plug the data into their schools computer program and make a chilling discovery - they predict the asteroid is heading toward us. All telescopes are now trained on the rock, calculations are made and it’s confirmed - this thing has the Earth in its crosshairs. Quickly the trajectory and date is calculated - somewhere in Europe or Asia, and only a month away. No time to even think about trying to deflect or destroy the asteroid.
Predictions are made about the devastation. Forget about the economic down turn, wars & terrorists. Not thousands, or even millions - but billions dead. Little if any vegetation left. A cloud of dense dust encircling the planet. Some optimists think that some people could survive by being far under ground on the opposite side of the planet (sorry to our friends over seas - not picking on you, just most of our members are from the US). There are no guarantees of survival, and even if you made it through the initial blast, no one knows what kind of world would be waiting for you.
So, there it is. The impact is going to happen and nothing is going to stop it.
The question is - would you try everything you could to “save” yourself and your family, or would you accept your fate and let things play out by just staying where you are?