When you invest in something you should understand the risks. If you can't take the heat then get out of the kitchen. This is a very good sign that our president actually knows what he's doing. You always help those that helped you get elected. That's common sense. Don't worry if you need help he'll make sure you get it. We finally have a president that cares about the poor and people cry about him helping them out some.
The country is still getting better. We just need to give Obama his chance to run things. Bush and the conservatives had 8 years to do as they pleased. Now Obama will probably get the same.
If you want to protest him you could always grow your hair out or something.
Conservatives are so scared of liberals it's funny.
I remind you when Clinton was in charge this country got a lot better. It got a lot better when bush was in charge. I mean look where we are today. Our technology is amazing. We are doing so well people can freak out over something like the swine flu.