Vlad, there have been some positive reviews of class D amps for sure, but be careful what you read, listen to the gear and form your own opinions. Purely subjective reviews do not have the same value as those that can back up the listening portion with measurements -- AH, Stereophile, Secrets etc. Positive Feedback and 6moons are well known for unabashedly praising esoteric products with no measurements to back them up.
Take a look at the review from 6moons of the Genesis (of the speaker fame)
Reference amplifier, an amp that is built from fairly low cost DIY modules available from
Hypex. This makes products from D-Sonic and W4S look like relative bargains. Genesis claims modifications that greatly improve sonic performance, given the premium price I would like to see the proof.
Now the Hypex modules perform well as reviewed by
Hardware Analysis. To put this performance into context however, you would have to ask how a pair of $20K linear amps perform relative the the Hypex based Genesis?
There is ample data that shows that Class D amps do not reach the sonic performance of a traditional linear amp, including B&O's own spec sheets. The Absolute Sound did broad review of many class D amps in issue 166, November 2006, as did Suono (Italian Hifi mag) across two issues in June (N.393) and July/August 2006 N.394/395). These are the most complete reviews I have seen. Both came away with Class D being OK but not quite up to linear amp standards. I still have a class D amp on a short list for my new HT room, however I know that I am trading advantages in size, weight, heat and efficiency for a little sonic performance.