Really Boring Stuff Only

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Senior Audioholic
How are you doing today, Haraldo?

Any differences in performance with that Windows 7 installation?

Two more days and Microsoft will be releasing the official Win7 RC ... I'm guessing the only difference is going to be the Windows XP virtualization, and the "Leave Feedback" links on every window :rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
How are you doing today, Haraldo?

Any differences in performance with that Windows 7 installation?

Two more days and Microsoft will be releasing the official Win7 RC ... I'm guessing the only difference is going to be the Windows XP virtualization, and the "Leave Feedback" links on every window :rolleyes:
Hey ya......

Good thanks, how are you?

Haven't checked so much... only did the basic stuff that I always do when installing windows, and only yet running in VmWare Server with Suse Linux host system
So what I always do is....
- Make sure pagefile is set to fixed size so it doesn't increase in size, this leads to pagefile fragmentation which makes performance less
- Run defrag, defrag defrag, 1000 times.....
- Do updates

Been a bit busy, so not checked so much yet, but first impression is not so bad.... :eek:

Well one thing.... Some of the annoying things in Vista like UAC is better.... but still Windows is such an annouing OS with all these dialogs popping up all the time, I hate this !!!!
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Audioholic Jedi
Two hours of yard work and I barely made a dent.

Looks like I'm going to have to make it a habit for the next couple of weeks.


Senior Audioholic
Two hours of yard work and I barely made a dent.

Looks like I'm going to have to make it a habit for the next couple of weeks.
Well at least you tried :D I would have just hired someone to do it for me.

And then I would have hired someone to live my life for me :rolleyes:

Is there anything money CAN'T buy?


Audioholic Jedi
Is there anything money CAN'T buy?
Not at Target, which is where I'm headed right now. Then on to Petsmart and the grocery store.

I really hope that I can find some of that MD Throwback. It's been on my mind ever since John mentioned it.


Audioholic Spartan
Thanks, man! I had read that differently, probably just due to the writing style versus mine. Oh, yeah, and there was some goggle action going on. :) If that's the case, I feel a lot better. I got on this morning to check if there was a response because I wasn't sure if I said something out of line yesterday. Well, I do that to you all of the time, but this was someone else. :D



Senior Audioholic
Not at Target, which is where I'm headed right now. Then on to Petsmart and the grocery store.

I really hope that I can find some of that MD Throwback. It's been on my mind ever since John mentioned it.
If not, I will FedEx a case... :D It's well worth it!

> Back to the Future 1/2/3 were great films... just thought I would add that. :p


Senior Audioholic
Money can't buy happiness
I wish I had a buttload of money so I could find out if that is true or not :p

I know I would be quite a happy camper if I had enough money to fund a trip to the moon! :rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
Money can't buy happiness
It seems that it's usually rich people saying that to stop poor people from wanting their money.:D

When you're poor, financial issues are usually the greatest cause of stress. Trying to buy happiness with an unlimited supply of money beats being poor and unhappy any day.


Senior Audioholic
It seems that it's usually rich people saying that to stop poor people from wanting their money.:D

When you're poor, financial issues are usually the greatest cause of stress. Trying to buy happiness with an unlimited supply of money beats being poor and unhappy any day.
Here Here! If I didn't have to worry about a car payment, rent, or groceries... I would be quite happier without all that added financial stress. :eek: And now that the economy has taken a nice turn, it's made my stress go up a few more levels.


Audioholic Slumlord
I have 9999 points.

Got that straightened out thanks to Jamie.
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Audioholic Jedi
Well, I found 12-packs of cans of MD Throwback at Target (Safeway still doesn't have it). I just threw back the first one. Mmmm, mmmm, tasty. Reminds me of when I was kid, back when MD came in tall pint bottles that got returned for deposit (or shorter, fatter pint bottles with the screw tops that didn't get returned).
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