Oh man, it probably is in the wrong thread... but at the same time, I suppose software talk can be boring
But then again, I am going to go back to your server information, which is music related
If I were to do some sort of server, would you suggest I go with a Linux distro, or do you think I could just as easily create one using a Mac / PC running OS X server?
I love the OS X interface, and I am somewhat familiar with Linux (Which, in technicality, is what OS X is based off of)... I think it would be nice to be able to get some sort of streaming device (You mentioned Squeezebox, which I will most deffinetly Google)... hooked up to 1) The 62" flatscreen downstairs (for music, movies, and TV shows) 2) the 32: flatscreen in my room and 3) the stereo upstairs, which has speakers in both the dining room and living room....
I mostly want a dedicated box to store all of my media. I've got gigs and gigs of TV shows (Lost, Desperate Housewives, Family Guy, South Park...), hundred or so movies, and a few gigs of music (which I hope to start expanding once I get a faster internet connection
Then access all of that information on said media devices around the home.
Thanks for all the info!