You can also check out the Tucson Ballet when you're down here. All looky, no touchy, though. I'm ticklish.
Even I would pass on that. The tassels would hang wrong.
Not to mention the fact that your plumbing is all wrong.
That Windsor Ballet had me thinking Dave was into ballet.
Who knows, maybe he is.
I can't wait for the schedule to come out. This AH thing has had tangible results (aside from A/V related stuff) in the form of a book on horse race handicapping from Tomorrow and some GIK Acoustics 242 Elite acoustic panels (?) from P-Dawg. It's not about free stuff although that is pretty nice.
It's about being somewhat friendly with an author and a guy who has it in him to pass along a $300 item just because and now I maybe I'll get a chance to meet the sound dude for a pretty relevant band on today's music scene.
Imagine that ...
Edit: While I'm mentioning names of people that I've had dealings with that were of great benefit to me, I'm not forgetting the members that I PM directly for advice or sale items.
I'm just not mentioning them by name.