Hey, I need some advice.
My sister has had problems with work, so, my dad and I have been helping her with money. She has a new job now, but, it doesn't pay enough for her to live the way she is used to. So, we are still helping her out. But, she is pretty selfish and when she comes over she only talks about her new job and both my dad and I have gotten pretty sick of it. She gets mad that we don't say how great her new job is... but, its just kinda hard to get too excited about it since we have to still pay for most her stuff.
It's what family does, but, my dad is moving out of his house because he is doing some work on it, so I've been helping him prepare to move. He asked her to come over and help and she has avoided it and recently just said "no, I'm busy." So, we only get calls when its for money.
Anyone else had a family member like this?
I'm kinda stuck because on one hand I want to help, but on the other in return she could help my old man and not be so selfish and just talk about herself all the time.
She is older than me (I'm 23, she is 28), but, still can't figure out a budget for herself, how to do basic things like buy a car, or insurance, etc. Everything is done by either my dad or I. I feel like we kinda created a monster because she hasn't really had to do anything on her own.
Both of us are pretty fed up, but, its fam' ..ya know?!
Sorry for the long post, just had to vent. Any advice would be appreciated....