port calculations? I just did them for your. You need to use the long 27 x 3 x 11.5 the only adjustments you can make are between the 3 and 11.5 not the length.
To shorten you have to shrink the 3 x 11.5 cross section, but that will push the rear port air velocity fairly high.
thank you. yes, thats what i did. 27" remains the same. 3" changes to 2.1" and 11.5" changes to 16.5.
the 27 x 3 x 11.5 comes out to 931 ci. my 27 x 11.5 x 2.1 comes out to 935ci.
by my humble understanding
, this is a good port to use, perhaps i am wrong.
numbers don't always tell the whole story. or maybe i just don't get it. idk.
and i still don't understand what you mean by "It seems your box is about 2" bigger on one side than necessary" . what side ?
yes, i will use gaskets. thanx for the shipping info. looking forward to getting them
zzounds is sending me a new ep2500
parts express is sending me fmods, xlr connectors, and other box stuff.
i hope to have them working this weekend. just 1 will be 2x more than i need, so 2 of them won't be pushed hard. i want very powerfull, that way, when i play them at less than very powerfull. i will know that they are very accurate.
i want to thank you guys for your help. if i did this by myself, the results would not be nearly as good.