Guns are the source of widespread violence in our nation. Many people are killed with guns. Including children who play with them. While some people are responsible and capable of handling a gun. Most people aren't.
And Obama is doing several good things.
1. Closing GBay(if you think this isn't good I suggest you visit your local mosque and makes some friends.)
2. Restoring our image in the Muslim world. (We made a lot of enemies)
3. Beginning to refocus our attention to Al-Queda region.
4. Moving toward a more united world.
These are all positives. Also our economy while tough hasn't fallen off a cliff.
Plus he's fixing our broken tax system by making it more progressive rather than regressive.
This Give Act looks like a very good bill. Though it's a bit porkish IMO.
I suppose it's hard for partisans to be objective, but I have supported Bush and now I'm supporting Obama. Both were the more capable candidates, IMO.
Once again, people are the problem but guns are blamed. If guns are banned, people still have a lot of weapons at their disposal but none of them would help in the event that guns are taken away by government mandate and it's much easier to control the population when they can't defend themselves.
People are somewhat corrupt- as soon as they find out that they can manipulate people, it just becomes easier to keep doing it. If they don't have anyone telling them that lying, stealing and generally doing things that hurt others is bad, they won't stop. This leads me to a major point that politicians and leaders seldom bring up- PARENTS ARE DOING A REALLY BAD JOB OF RAISING THEIR KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Either the kids aren't getting the message or parents aren't delivering it effectively. Could also be that all of the glamorization of violence and deceipt make people want to get what they want by any means. Permissive, absent and apathetic parents have caused most, if not all, of the problems we see every day. I do accept the opinion that some people are just worse than others out of the gate, though.
On your 4 points that Obama is doing a good job with:
1. Why do people hate Green Bay? It's the smallest city with a team, yet....Oh. Guantanamo Bay. I'm sorry. Never mind.
Seriously- there are some people I don't even want on US soil and if we can have a place where they can be interrogated, I'm OK with it. Waterboarding people who associate with others, when those others have hijacked civilian planes and crashed them into building in the financial hub of the country, really isn't so bad, is it? You want to compare waterboarding to beheading journalists and soldiers? At least we gave them prayer mats, Q'rans, let them pray five times a day, fed them, and kept them out of the weather. Oh, wait- we insulted them and made them sad? Oh, DEFINITELY close Gitmo! That's unconscionable.
Look at what they did to cause their incarceration before condemning where we keep dirtbags like these. Being with terrorists makes them guilty by association, just like the US being an ally of Israel makes us Zionist.
2. "Restoring our image in the Muslim world. (We made a lot of enemies)"
If you mean mainstream Muslims, fine. Most non-Muslims don't understand them anyway. If you want the US to make friends with Muslim extremists, why don't you go out there and see what you can do. They have never cared whether the rest were their friends, they just wanted to force others to accept Islam as the one true religion and Allah as the one true God. They don't want us to be their friends, they just want Islam to be universal. Oh, BTW- they don't want it to be the mainstream version, either. They want their nutjob version, where only men have any say in what goes on in the world. Where killing and torture (there's that nasty word again) are a daily method of meting out justice, female mutilation (can't have women actually
enjoying sex, can we?), beatings and stoning are done when swift justice is wanted instead of due process and many people have few of the freedoms that we have had since the signing of the Constitution.
3. " Beginning to refocus our attention to Al-Queda region."
If you mean a geographical region, there isn't one. They're all over, but not necessarily openly active.
Bush seemed to have lost his focus on that part of the terrorist battle but if you ask anyone in the military, they'll tell you that since before we went into Iraq, we have been going after Al Qaida and the Taliban. We never stopped, but Pakistan won't let us go into some parts of their country with military forces. Plus, even the people AQ and the Taliban have tormented don't want us there because we aren't Muslim and again, our association with Israel makes us their enemy. "You are my friend's enemy, so you are my enemy but if you are my enemy's enemy, you are my friend"- ever heard of this?
4. Moving toward a more united world.
A truly united world will never happen and if it does, we're all in trouble. There are too many different ideologies for this to happen. The only time people get along is when one can be dominant and the other can benefit from the association or when they can all benefit financially. Even a puppet government is in a better position than they would be if not for the puppetmaster.
"I don't know where you live, but every person is corrupt including yourself. I have yet to meet a perfect person. But our system is very ethical for a democracy. I am spiritual so I belief someday one will rule that isn't corrupt, but until that day I'll forgive and love my leaders. I pray they would do well for this nation."
This smacks of "I see that all people are corrupt but because I'm spiritual, I'm better than you" and "God will take care of us".
Pointing fingers is a good way to keep the problems going. Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker, Orel Roberts and the others would say that they are/were spiritual and look at what they did. If you're a believer in what's in the Bible, you know that a leader, with great charisma, who can unite the world is the beginning of the end. If that's what you believe, fine but in the mean time, it's our duty as Americans to be skeptical of our government because it was created with ways to keep it from becoming all-powerful and excessively controlling.
I know you want to believe that Obama is great and truly has our best interest in mind but I have a serious problem with anyone who says he won't run and then does, says that we live in the greatest country in the history of the world and tells everyone to help him change it, says he'll change as much as he did and turns that around by saying "It won't happen in a year, it may not happen in four" the night of the election and taught Constitutional Law for over ten years. By teaching that for so long and having aspirations of being President, I have no choice but to believe that he has thought of every way to bypass every article and Amendment as a way to create what, in his mind, is a government that is perfect. By 'perfect', I mean one that gives the masses what they have been led to believe they need, by a government that has the power to take what it wants from them. The problem is that they would never include the last part in their campaign platform.
You may welcome higher taxes, so why don't you offer to pay someone else's tax bill, feed/clothe/house them and generally make sure they have everything they need?