I am using a PS3 for playing BR discs with a component connection into a Sony 40" LCD. When we play a movie there is often an overwhelming amount of green in the picture. This doesn't happen (at least as much) with our DVR or regular DVD player so I don't think that it's the television (I am sure it does need adjusting but I don't think it is the entire culprit). However, I can't put the blame with the PS3 either because when playing games the picture seems to look ok. Looking through the PS3 setup menus I couldn't find anything to adjust the colors with either. I am not overly sensitive to video color without a side-by-side reference but I am obviously see the green in the PS3 BR video picture. I think there are also times (mybe certain discs) that the BR picture seems to look ok.
What could be going on?
I would think that it would be a LOT more difficult to detect inaccurate colors with video games. Outside of swapping the cables, I would look in the tv settings themselves. However, since you've already looked for PS3 settings, I'm afraid you might have already done this as well. . . which would leave me clueless . . .
But, in case you didn't, different video settings are applied to the different inputs. Recent bad case, I calibrated my brother's set with my Avia II disc. Not perfect, but a whole lot better, faces more accurate, less red push, you can finally see dirt on people's noses since faces aren't glowing white. I did this on his DVD player.
I come back a few days later, he's watching a movie, and EVERYTHING is green! I mean, even people's beards!! wthell. Ok, well, he was using his bdp to playback the dvd, so I looked into the settings
on the tv, unfortunately set to the completely useless setting called "dynamic", turned it off, and . . . voila. That simple. Hope your problem would be as easy to solve.