Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
Strube's been around - he just isn't posting. Biding his time, waiting to pounce. Watch your back, Chris - he's gonna start posting like a banshee. :)


Audioholic Field Marshall
I have been keeping my distance because school has become a sh**storm of viscous, evil, gelatinous death, and I didn't want to get addicted to posting 100 times a day again.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I bought a deluxe reissue of the first Pearl Jam album from Best Buy because it could feed my nerdy Rock Band hunger and those douche bags didn't give me the free Rock Band download code! Screw those guys :mad:. They will burn...


Audioholic Field Marshall
I also got a new motherboard and it had the same RAID controller on it so I was able to get back everything I lost, then I reformatted the crap out of it. Plus, since I wanted to be more broketastic, I bought a 1TB hard drive for daily backups instead of weekly (weakly?) ones. Take that, foolish Taiwanese transistors, capacitors, and inductors!


Audioholic Field Marshall
Strube's been around - he just isn't posting. Biding his time, waiting to pounce. Watch your back, Chris - he's gonna start posting like a banshee. :)
Once I update everyone on the last two weeks I am going to have to go back to posting random stuff. It will come soon, worry not!


Audioholic Field Marshall
I could have checked the box in the User CP that enables invisible mode so I could have magically returned from my absence and baffle you all, but I didn't know that it existed.


Audioholic Jedi
I could have checked the box in the User CP that enables invisible mode so I could have magically returned from my absence and baffle you all, but I didn't know that it existed.
Yep, and I saw you perusing. :)


Audioholic Field Marshall
I went pro after the Atlanta games.
Really? It was after the Salt Lake City ones for me. That's why I was lurking here without posting for so long. I just kept tabs on everyone from a distance and wore some creepy, girly-looking sunglasses ;)...

I had to keep up on things for the most part but I realized I had some terrible new disease called "Adam's Disease" where all I would do was sit at the computer, post on the "Really Boring Stuff Only" thread, and hit refresh a bunch of times until someone responded so I could respond again, with an occasional peek at or

I thought I was cured, but there is no cure.

EDIT: I am pretty sure I have another terrible disease called "Strube's Disease" in which I edit every single thing I do about five times before I call it good and move on. Maybe that's why I have been in school so damned long...


Audioholic Slumlord
I realized I had some terrible new disease called "Adam's Disease"

I thought I was cured, but there is no cure.
There was one guy way back who adopted a pornographic cartoon avatar and made a post saying 'you guys are jerks so please ban me' or something like that. If that's what it takes to get you through school ... ;)

I'll PM you a pic that's gotta be good for a 2 week probation should you ever need the time to study. :)
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