Seriously, I have no life.
You want the phone number of the judge? he lives about 2 blocks from me.Wow, you have some great insite, and info on this store. Based on my wife's experience, I would agree completely with what you have stated.
The PD didn't exactly go "by the book", either and the department should be informed of this. If you have the names of the officers (or can ID them easily), it's to your advantage to make that known.
To be honest, I would think the Chief has more important things to do than deal with a "he said, she said" shoplifting case, but don't take this personally. I would mask the phone number you use to call them (i.e., don't use your phone) and call the PD non-emergency number, so you can ask some generic, anonymous questions about someone being accused of this, having the store point fingers at you, threats of arrest without valid evidence/warrant, etc.
Also, of the contract had been signed and the store changed ANY of the terms of sale without your permission/signature (or initials), the contract is immediately null and void.