Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Spartan
First I saw this definition, and that seemed ok.
"A totally heterosexual loving relationship between two or more men, based on respect for the other's manliness."

But no....I couldn't just stop there.
I read a little further and saw:
"an emotional attraction between bros. often the attraction is expressed physically through wrestling, nuggies, and head locks. in the more advanced stages hugging, snuggling, spooning, and even kissing may be included." :eek:

We have to nip this in the bud. (so to speak)
Everyone go to your closets and collect "all" your flip-flops and put them in a garbage bag.
Get your copies of Broke Back Mountain and sell, or give them away.
I feel I own it to you guys, to pull us collectively from the brink.


Audioholic Spartan
What ever happened to "Not that there's anything wrong with that"?:D


Audioholic Samurai
No kidding! :D

Oh, and what the heck is Rick doing with copies (plural) of BBM? Maybe he didn't want to risk wearing one out... :)
I didn't catch the plural part of the post until you pointed it out! Rick, you afraid of wearing out the disc with the laser?!:eek:



Audioholic Jedi
I suppose that one can't be too careful when it comes to such cinematic gold.


Audioholic Samurai
I missed some good stuff over the past few days...

If you haven't checked lately, there are some great shots and videos there!



Audioholic Samurai
Technically...yes. A pedestrian started to step in front, stop, then proceed of the car turning right ahead of me. I should've had time to stop. I didn't recognize it in time.

The pedestrian kept going and never stopped.



Audioholic General
Technically...yes. A pedestrian started to step in front, stop, then proceed of the car turning right ahead of me. I should've had time to stop. I didn't recognize it in time.

The pedestrian kept going and never stopped.

sorry to here that dude!!


Audioholic Slumlord
"an emotional attraction between bros. often the attraction is expressed physically through wrestling, nuggies, and head locks. in the more advanced stages hugging, snuggling, spooning, and even kissing may be included." :eek:
Man, you must have read the definitions on that right till the end of the internet. I never got that far but I'll tell ya something: I'm 6'4" and 280 pounds. If I wanna spoon, we're gonna spoon. :eek:

Pat, you should have hit the pedestrian and not stopped. The blood washes off. Seriously I'm glad nobody was hurt.

I went to the gym twice. I'm light duty all the way. My main objective is to sweat and breath hard, not to be sore to the point where I can't move. Twice. :)


Audioholic General
Being super sore is the best part about going to the gym. You make the lady get you beers cause you're trying to get inshape for "her" when you're actually just milking the crap out of it.


Audioholic Slumlord
Being super sore is the best part about going to the gym. You make the lady get you beers cause you're trying to get inshape for "her" when you're actually just milking the crap out of it.
I don't drink ... anymore. I did grab an IBC Cream Soda just now though. These are pretty good. :)


Audioholic General
I keep clicking "User CP" waiting for the bandit to strike again.
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