Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Ninja
Don't let them lead you astray! It's all in good fun here! :D

If it wasn't for this thread, a lot of us (me) might get tired of answering the same newb questions all the time. There are quite a few tireless contributors on AH that are really amazing with their patience.

I'd name names, but there might be on the list than off of it, and they know who they are. ;)
True true... I've had to walk away from some forums (not AH) because I couldnt take 478 posts a day about the exact same thing.

As far as the list goes... I guess if you have to ask if you're on it...... hmm....

But I'll volunteer to be the resident avatar changer if anybody has any suggestions of what they'd like to see... whatever... I aint skeerd...


Audioholic Slumlord
Alex...I finally listened to your sig. Johnny Cash was/is amazing. I generally dislike country (if you want to call it that) but something about him is memerizing. I need to pick up some AH-quality CDs of his. Any suggestions?
I'm not a Johnny Cash fan. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
Do you like boys named Sue?
I just like boys. :D

I like a few tunes by him but can't stand the majority of them. That one in particular names a bunch of places that I have been to or lived in and I like the tune. Down in OK last Christmas I tried listening to a couple of full albums and didn't dig it. I really like one or two Patsy Kline tunes too but I'm no fan.



Audioholic Jedi
And thanks for reminding me about the good old days and Persian Kitty. :eek:
Niiiice. I forgot about that place, but I use to know it well. :)

Persian kitty, persian kitty...all I want is just one more oatmeal pie.


Audioholic Ninja
Yep, could've done without that... Borat didn't even pull that off...


Audioholic Jedi
I must say, Chris, that I liked your avatar better the other way. Easier to see, and her face is just something else.


Audioholic Jedi
I ordered these today:

I like woman. Really, I do. I wanted the transition lenses and didn't want tortoise-colored frames. Maybe I'll look like a 70's pimp.


Audioholic Ninja
Smith makes good stuff man... My buddy swears by 'em. He likes the lenses. I'm a maui jim fan... but to each their own. Those are pretty... J/K... Those look sharp. I like em... Nice choice.. Walkin the pooch will never be the same...


Audioholic Jedi
Smith makes good stuff man... My buddy swears by 'em. He likes the lenses. I'm a maui jim fan... but to each their own. Those are pretty... J/K... Those look sharp. I like em... Nice choice.. Walkin the pooch will never be the same...
Thanks! These are my first pair of sunglasses that cost more than (I'm guessing here) about $5. I haven't worn sunglasses in years.

I should probably start bringing along a water dish. After all, I can't expect all the local ladies to have those, and Niki will get thirsty after a while. ;) :rolleyes: :D


Audioholic Ninja
Well welcome to the world of non-gas station outdoor eyewear... Worth every penny IMO. Much more comfortable, durable, clear... blahblah...

Yeah, i'd bring the poor girl a canteen or something.. life's about to get crazy up in this...


Audioholic Jedi
Well welcome to the world of non-gas station outdoor eyewear...
That's hilarious! I asked my officemate who's married (so, a cheap engineer who is sometimes forced to be stylish) what type of sunglasses he wears. A $5 pair from the gas station! To paraphrase, "I got a pack of gum and sunglasses for $6.24." :D


Audioholic Ninja
Thats awesome.. I'll be honest, I glance through them every once in a while.. they make up names that sound like they might be polarized and stuff... pretty great...

Thought we decided the term was co-worker... just sayin...


Audioholic Jedi
Thought we decided the term was co-worker... just sayin...
Good catch. I was thinking that only Alex would bust my chops on that. :D

Co-worker. I'll have to use that next time. I'm sure that at least one person here can make that dirty, though.


Audioholic Ninja
aight... I'm out.. got 11 hours of windshield time starting at O five hundred.... night yall...
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